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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Skeleton Summoner (08/06/05)


I really love your site and your art, I hope you don't mind me coming and signing your GB! But your Sango and Miroku fanart is so cute, same with the Sango and Kagome one. Anyways I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend. Later.

Psyconorika (08/06/05)

Hey! Thanks alot for signing my guest book! It means alot! I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you! I've been really busy lately! Also, I'm adding you as a friend!! Hope you don't mind! You're site is so pretty!!!! :3 ^^

anakin skywalker (08/02/05)

Your site is very cute! Come by my site and sign my gb! I'll be adding you as a friend!
~anakin skywalker

Oathkeeper 1 (08/01/05)

Hi there! Ohhh The bg looks so cool! Love your site, hope we can be friends! ^ ^

~Oathkeeper 1~

lovingmemories112 (07/23/05)

hi! i like both of ur sites! well ill add u as a friend then!

~cherish ur precious memories~

ILuvKyoKun (07/21/05)

HELLO!!! thanks for signing my gb! i will add you as a friend!! ^^ well talk to you soon!!

briar rose90 (07/08/05)

^_^ Thanks for signing my guestbook. Now I finally know who that character is on my background, I got her on a personality test and I couldn't find out who she was... ^_^"
Anyway, I really like your site. It's cool. ^_^ Oh, and if you add me as a friend I'll add you.

LiquidSilver (06/23/05)

Hi, nice site! i love your fanart!!! its so good! anyway, i hope you dont mind me adding you, cause you seem pretty kool.

DarkAura9 (06/19/05)

hi there
kool site i like the theme
stop by some time!

inuyasha loves me (06/16/05)

Hello! Love your site! I have one too if you want to check it out! I cant get the clear backround color code. T_T I'm frustrated. Pweeeez sign my guestbook if you check my site out. only 3 people signed my guest book and about 18 people checked out my site. *sob* Well i hope to be hearing from you!

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