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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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RKluverX (03/04/05)

Hello. i like you art and site. Tis nice. I'm adding you as a friend, okay? Stop by my site sometime, if you'd like. ^_^x Later


kaki-kusu (02/27/05)

Thanks for the comment on my piccie=) Love your art, and the site looks great!

shippo-souten (02/27/05)

hello i love ur site really cool! i liv inuyasha! added u as a friend hope u do the same and mayb sign the gbook? k?!?
thaxxz bi!

DeVioD BeINg (02/25/05)

cool site check out mine sometime

PinkBunnyGirl144 (02/24/05)

Thank u 4 commenting my art ^-^

i like ur site!


lildragongrl123 (02/23/05)

hey. kewl website. i rely lyke it. i'm gonna put u as a friend and also thankxx 4 signing my guestbook too. thankxx for showing me about this okatu website. i rely enjoy updating stuff on mine. lol. i'll check out your okatu everytime i go on. :)

chixX3vicious (02/19/05)

hello. its casey....uh....

lilmizj9yasha (02/08/05)

hey thx 4 comming on my site i like urs 2 ill add u as a fwend i hope u do da same thx

Jenny Lyn Young (01/28/05)

Arigatou Gozaimasu!!!

For signing my gb ^_^

Thanx for the compliments ^_^

I appreciate it so much come visit anytime ^_^

kogalover4E (01/26/05)

hi thnx fur comin 2 my site n signin my gb. i like ur site too. ur right... Inuyasha does rock!!! well, i added u 2 my friends list if dats ok... t/t/y/l

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