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Thursday, January 27, 2005

   YAY ITS A MIRACLE I CAN COMMENT ART AGAIN YAY !!!! :D Isn't that wonderful* you can hear crickets in the back round*......T_T hmph fine. LOL I so happy ^_^
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

   well any way to all of those anime fan artists GREAT JOB!!.. I can still vote for it so atleast you know you get my vote. ^_^
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   Its not fair argh all because of aol's stupid time limit I cant comment any more art.. and I dont want to make a new profile cause then I'll have to start all over :'(
but I 'll see what I can do maybe I can make another one along with the one I already have.. who knows hopfully today I can hook up the scaner or get that drawing tablet for the computer....

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Monday, January 24, 2005

   YAY NO SCHOOL SNOW DAY OHYEAH!! hehe.... bord -_- just fished watching Ranma 1/2 that was funny.. but im still bord.. now im listing to Inuyasha music.. still bord..... what about a comic.hmmm
no.. bord!!!! o well.wait wait WAIT... igot it....VIDEOGAMES!!!yeah.. I got 2 inuyasha games.. Dynasty worriors 4..umm and yeah thats only for PS2 and I have some atv offroader furry 3 I think its called .. and I have a whole load of gamecube games... sorry if I cant spell..

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

   yay im finally getting a hang of this site im so happy.. maybe just maybe I can hookup my scaner and submit a drawing or something but who knows.....STILL COLD !!
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   yay!! I finally got a picture in YAY!! im so happy .. It took time and consentration and finally I got it right Yeah ^_^d it didnt take that long to draw on the computer..on paint. well im cold I just came in from out side I was playing in the snow with my friend.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005

   My sleep over party just ended this morning,that party was fun .. but weird at the same time .. my friend was banging her head on the couch. and you wake cant.her up at ALL you CANT my other friend ( the one who was baning her head on the couch is sleeping on a beany bag ) was dragging her around and she didnt get up , i was poking her , and every one else was shaking her talking to trying to wake up .. we thought see was dead but shes alive she woke twice during the night just to turn over and went straight back to sleep... weird child oh well her loss she missed Azumanga Daioh and Ranma 1/2 The first Movie. tisk tisk. well any way im still tired from the party im mean like what do exspect we were up till 2:00am we were running around like loonaticks and eating all junk food.... wooooh i just noticed i like wrote an entire book.... just to let you know i dont exspect you to read all of it LOL. *looks out window8 with the snow we have we wont have school for the whole next week probly......COOL ^_^!
... tired..*falls asleep on the computer !PLOP! leans on the desk* zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ
bye bye

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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

   im bord and i .. just got a .. PORTABLE DVD PLAYER!! YAY!!! Mesa so happy...im gonna try to stay up to watch INU YASHA or as some people call him Inu Nonie... weird and disterbed people how dare they make fun of such cute guy well there're lots of cute guys in Inuyasha like ... Inu Yasha and Kouga and Miroku yeeee! sorry if i scared you. any way yeah I cant beleave this one person said that this one drawing would look better with out< meaning NOT THERE< Inu Yasha on it .. how rude any way.. I hope I can hook up this scanner and get my comic done in time I only have a couple of weeks left. Oh poo
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Thursday, January 13, 2005

   Hi people..No my scaner insnt hooked up yet..Yes I know that stinks.. But you know.. IM GETTING ONE OF THOSES DRAWING PADS FOR THE COMPUTER!!YAY!!...its COLD very COLD in this computer room.EVIL...anyways I cant draw evil/villans for beans, Its the horrible truth.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

   IM HYPER!! YEAH..Ok I'll stop now..
my scaner isnt hooked up still WHAAAAAAA.
do you know how hard it is to dircet someone on how to sighn up and every thing through IM. ITS HARD.VERY HARD!!
any way... im so happy 3 ppl sighned gustbook 1 more from befor YAY!.. i know that dosent seem so amazing to you probly have like 90 signitures. but no comments...oh well.

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