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Thursday, February 16, 2006

ARGH!!! omg the past couple of days were CRAP!!! I swear... I hate it when you have a friend BEST BEST BEST!!!!!!!!!! friends fer 3 years and all of the sudden your not!!! DAMNIT IM SO PISSED OFF!!! I hate being do negitive...*sigh* she lied to me saying she wasnt friends with my friend and I was like ok whatever and in the mean time she's like omg!! hey gurl!!! and all besty best friends. and I dont mind but why did she have to lie to me! and she was late fer class and and came in crying and the teacher went to ask her whats wrong and she slapped her hand away and said get away from me and I was like hey are you ok? no answer... and then she left out side the room with the teacher and I kept on looking out the door waiting and I was worried and I couldnt write (PSSA crap) and then like 10 min later she came back I asked her again no answer...


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Monday, February 13, 2006

YAY!!! OMG!!!! Im home and I was browing the computer and I saw Windows Movie Maker and I was like ????? and then I clicked on it and I Was like HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!! I can make Videos NoW!!!! WOOOOOWHOOOOO!!!!!! *dances* hehehe Im happpy :3
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Im stuck here in NY at me grandma's and my mom couldnt pick me up yesterday cause all of the snow!!!!! and there was only a 2hr delay at my school!!! and I dont wanna miss schoool!!!! NO FAIR!!!! (I have my reasons lol :3) and plus we have the writing part of the PSSA in English class today and I still didnt completely chatch up from the last to days I was absent!!!! TT_TT whaa... well my mom is coming early so I can help her with the computer DSL!!! BABY!!! WOOT!! lol yea ^_^;
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Saturday, February 11, 2006

Well me no sick any more well.. I now have a s mall cold but whatever lol

The other day I went to Baren and Nobels what ever its called lol and I had a 100$ gift certifacit from my birthday and I got like 7 comic books and 2 drawing books...

Naruto Vol. 3
Comic Party Vol.3
Real Bout High School Vol.3
Fruits Basket Vol.1
Angel Dust Vol.?
and 2 other ones I think lol cause it came out to like 70 bucks I dont remember! X. lol


How to draw Manga by: Ben Dunn Vol.3
How to draw Manga Shuojo: Story Line (like how to get ideas to make a manga)

and then today I went with my aunt to NYC to see beauty and the beast on brodway... it was pretty good ^_^ funny lol but befor that I went to Kinokuniya Bookstore (Japanese bookstore) HOLY CRAP!!! DID THEY HAVE A HUGE SECTION OF ANIME and MANGA! lol half of it was like in Japanese but yea lol they had everytype....even yaio n' stuff ew! *cringes lol* I went to go to the drawing books and I lok up and theres Yaoi comics like RIGHT THERE and I was like WOH O_O lol and I gots

Full Moon O Sagashit vol.1
Naurto vol.5

....I have Naruto 1-5 and I didnt even read any of them yet lol

between the 3 Yotsuba comics and the ones I just bought and the one my friend lent me I have like 14 comics to read O_o lol but I have to read a book for the marking period first witch the test is on the 24 of Feb!! TT_TT whaaaa I need more time!!!! DAMN I HATE READING UNDERPRESSURE I DONT DO GOOD WITH TIME LIMITS!!! I did good on Narnia tho lol ^_^ but its either Sword and the Stone or Julie of the Wolves I think Im gonna go with the Sword and the stone.. I was orginaly gonna go with Greek Gods, Myths and Monsters but my mom was reading it and said that it was pretty hard and that you would need more time with and I dont wanna get a failing grade cause it would be hard to remembe rall the names @.@ but I'll read it on my own free time ^_^ after I finsh "The Seventh Tower" #3 Into Aneir n' stuff

On the side Im in the middle of Real Bout Vol.3 :D hehehe

Well Im bored as h3!! so mesa gonna stop typin and hope that some one is on the RPGs ^_^ and then Whatch FMA laterz YAY!!!

Oh and I have acrap load of drawings I have to scan in but Im gonna put them in on the 18th cause Im able to be on the computer LOL but its not hooked up yet really (I got my new computer and didnt put n all the programs in yet) and its goal for me to get World of WarCraft this week and bother my mom till she hooks up DSL!!! X. grrr well yea lol ^-^v byi byi

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Friday, February 3, 2006

omg I feel like crap X..x I've been sick for a couple of days now and me fever keeps on going up and down I lost my voice earlyer and I feel a lil better then I did befor... yea I WANNA GOTO SCHOOL!! TT.TT whaaaa lol
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

OMG!! MY B-DAY IS COMING UP!! IN LIKE 3DAYS!!! (including today) man 13 was boring LOL 14 seems more FUN! YAY!! me:*dances* inu:*throws shoe at me* me:*falls*x..x inu: SHUT UP ALREADY! me: *dead*... inu: thank you. me: *comes back*HA!! U CANT BEAT ME FOR I A UBER INSANE!! aka Baka Ninja LOL*glomps inu* inu: AHHHHH NOOOOOO!!! *is glomped*help!!!! me:heheh

yes I know Im weird! XD but PROUD OF IT!!! WHOO HOO!

we got outta school for like no reason today.... odd well wtv lol

continued from last post:
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yea lol I kinda forgot where I left off ^-^;

well an over all my mom killed the stinkbugs (me wimp) and the concert was pretty good the audiance was rude but I didnt care I was too busy blinded by the lights lol and...I have no pics so HA!! lol we went to basken n' robens after that and I was playing around with my hair clip and it fliged over the counter I was like O_o!! NOOOO!! lol but I got it back the people there could barely speak any english! dude if your gonna work here in America SPEAK FREAKEN ENGLISH!! lol Im such a rebel hehe well ummm a yea...

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Wednesday, January 4, 2006

x..................x ugh I just got back from my winter X-MAS concert (it was postponed from the stupid bomb threats) lol it was pretty good ^_^ a lil confusing and stuff @.@ and I was a lil nervus when I walking into the chorus room >.< Im not used to wearing skirts! it was werrrrid lol ^_^; so I was hoping Id notice one of my friends right away (I knew most of them there) but being I was in a skirt and stuff I didnt wanna stand there for like an hour trying to find someone lol but I saw sam and heather so I ran over to them there were no chairs left so I had to sit on the floor T.T lol I was sitting my skirt was like a blanket cause it was all scrunched up (it was really long and I was holding the skirt under my legs cause I had my knees up an junk you get ta pic right lol) and Ill finsh this tomorrow cuz I goto go clean my room ¬ ¬... theres 2 bugs in there and they keep on attacking me stupid stinkbugs apper outta no where and my cats just stair at it like Oh wow! Pretty!! *.* werid kitty... LOL well yea

byi byi

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Monday, January 2, 2006

Whatch in ta order :D

and this one...I dont know where this one is to go... so just whatch this last lol!!

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Thursday, December 29, 2005

New Years!
I hope you have a great New Years ^-^ thank u so much for being such good friends! Myo was one of the best things thats happened to me! and I hope we can stay friends for along time! May this year better then the last! ^-^


heres a card to u all from me!

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005


THANK U MICHI!!! (Little InuFan)

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