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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

Wednesday, February 2, 2005

   this computer can be so SLOW ... this is why I dont like computers as much as i use to..... this site is the only reson I even go on the computer.. o and for homework and stuff.BUT STILL SLOW and I mean i had parental controls on cartoonnetwork . com and neopets . com stupid computer...>< ARGH. But i know what will make me happy ^_^ FOR THIS COMPUTER TO STOP BEING SO DUMB AND SLOW!! T_T *sigh* well any way I found my libray book .. that was 10 days late its called " The Dark Lord of Derkholm" it itsnt a bad, creep, scary evil book its a good book. its a fantasy with wizards mystical creatures animals talk.. it takes place in sorta the present future kinda but has a little bit of the castles and stuff but not too much.. its a good book (comedy, action, adventure, fantasy).. I had to pay $0.90 late fee .. well anyways im tired of writing so bye bye
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