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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

Sunday, March 6, 2005

Finally my friend opened her page! ok... Kazuna Matsura.... as you from the pictures iv drawn you gotta pritty good idea what kazuna looks like .. I only really drew her in demon form..half...demon form... but any ways you already know what Ellie looks like.. but ill be drawing more! heres a lil skit
Kazuna: *on otaku.com typing* ...um lets see....my best friend is Ellie Shinohara...but her reall name is Yoshiko..*stops typing*yoshiko..*start to laugh* yoshiko what kind a name is that!!! HAHAHA....
Ellie: *walks in kazuna still laughing her brain out not knowing ellie is there* what are you laughing at..what are you..*looks at what kazuna typed talking her underbreath*....blah blah blah...huh y-o-s-h-i-k-o...YOSHIKO!!!!.....
Kazuna:* kazuna starts choking on her laughing and the air* h..huh !?! *turns around and sees ellie evil eyes and dark fire behind her* ..I..Im not doin anything ..i..it says to talk about your self and ..i..i was just saying you were my friend..!!!
Ellie:*really mad and abarrassed* YEAH I DONT CARE THAT YOU SAID I WAS YOUR FRIEND BUT YOU DONT HAVE TO SAY MY REAL NAME... I TOLD YOU FROM THE BEGING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR WHEN I MOVED HERE....*flash back* kazuna: hi my names kazuna...Ellie:my names yoshiko but please just call me ellie.. i hate when people call my real name its so dumb... but if any one ever calls me that *acking out what she wold do* I'LL BITE THEIR HEADS OFF..*looks all evil*..just kidding *both of them start to laugh* *flash back over*
Kazuna* laughing* Oh yeah i remember..hahaha...*ellie glares at her*o ok ill shut up...
Ellie: clams down * whatever just take it off..wait NOOOOO!*kazuna gose to press enter* kazuna dont you dare!!
Kazuna: *presses the botton* HAHAHAHA..a..* ellie eye stares to twich and every time it dose the anger mark getts bigger* ..um.. I should start running now..right...
Ellie:*stairs at her* ...... ><*clenches her fist*
Kazuna: ok Ill start movin*runs out of the computer room*
( LATER ON ).....
Ellie: on otaku.com* hehehehehe....
Kazuna: head peeks in the door: hey...e..ellie what are y..you doning...* still scared*
Ellie: oh just putting a pic on the computer....
kazuan: o..oh ok*releaved* *sighs*
Ellie: laughing like shes hiding sumthin* awwww kazuna dont you look so cute in this pic...*laughs*
*turn the computer so she can see it* its an abrassing pic of kazuna as a little baby, and says "oh the memories" on it for an ecard*
Kazuna: *eyes twiching* .......
Ellie: *press enter* hahahahaha!!!*ellie laughing so hard shes crying*
Ellie: pay back it wonderful...*laughs and walks past her out of the computer room*
Kazuna: eyes watering*funny type* whaaaaaaaaa! ellie your evil i was just kidding around you know i could of edited the paragraph thing....*runns up to ellie shaking her* WHY..WHY..WHY..WHYYYYYYYY!!!!!WHAAAA!
Ellie: laughing*!!!!!!
Kazuna: HOW IS THAT FUNNY!HUH!!*ellie continues to laugh* HUH HUH TELL ME !
Ellie:*pushes kazuna off* o calm down i didnt send it in ... sheesh...
Kazuna: *sighs* good...
Ellie: but.....*kazuna looks at her* i did send it to koga.....
Kazuna:..*falls on the floor foot twitching*......

that was funny! I was Laughing the whole time i was writing it....HAHAHA

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