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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

   Yay !!
( I drew it :D )
Today is the greatist day of my life!!!!! Yay!!!XD the guy I like sat next to me on the bus!! yay!!! (i know not very exciding lol)...but Tiger Sleeps was ambarassing me the whole time!! >< EVIL TIGRE I'LL GET YOU FOR THAT !!!! lol any ways yesterday I gotsa a bunch of Inuyasha stuff!!!.. when I was in suncoast I was buying one of those HUGE Inuyasha posters (#3 of my collection lol) and I had another bag with me with my moms present in it and about $80 werth of cloths in it.. and I left them in the mall.. and I didmt notice untill we got out of the car at home and then I staarted spazing out and it was already 9:20 probly and the mall was closing.. so we called suncoast and thank you it was there and so today my mom had to get.. and she was like... You all most lost my present lol
.... yeah I know im pathic lol

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