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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

Friday, July 14, 2006

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
OMG WATCH THIS!!!!!!!! or die lol j/k

AND! Heres Azumi's Past so far Ill post up the udates so keep an eye out X3

Name: Azumi Karuno
Age: 12-16
Rank: Gennin (for the time being)
Height: 5'2"
Weight: ?
Personality: Very kind and caraing. She seems quite but once you get to know her she'll open up a little more, but becasue of her past she still keeps some things to her self. strong willed and would go to the ends of the world for a loved one. She seems like an angel but don't let that trick you.
Strengths: Her quick thinking and strong will.
Weaknesses: Her past and emotions. (depends on the battle field)
Graduated: At age 12
A- 5
B- 8
C- 12
D- 30

Azumi's past(about): When Azumi was around 5 years old, (5 years after Kyuubi attacked), her mother was accused of summoning the Kyuubi, She and Azumi's father tryed to say she didnt do it. Even tho the Karuno's were known for their summoning and Mizu-Ksai jutsus she did not do this one. The Fire country's army did not beleave them and didnt want to take any chances. So Azumi's mother was arrested and exicuted in front of the village on mothers day(not on purpose). Ever since then Azumi was never the same, and everyone looked down at her family. So life wasnt easey for her or her father. Her father wasn't able to keep any of his jobs even when he was one of the best workers. Untill acouple of year later he was called out on a misson. And hasn't been back since, it has to be about a couple of years by now. Being Azumi didn't really have any parents anymore fer house keeper looked after her. As she grew up, when ever someone would talk down about her family she'd try to hold back her anger but sometimes it would slip. Azumi made her self a life goal to bring back the respect to her family's name. She studies and trains when ever she can get the chance. Reading ninja manuals from all over the country and other ninja countries, learning as much as she can. Her favorite seems to fall in the village of the Mist's section. She is mistaken for a Mist ninja alot becasue she knows the jutsus so well. Azumi is becoming a very skilled ninja. (Got that right b^.^d lol)

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