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myOtaku.com: DejikoNyo

Monday, July 17, 2006

New theme :D
Well its sorta new lol YES I KNOW THERES TYPOS!!!
give me sum slack I had a major headake last night and its coming back now @_@ DAMN U SINUS! XE
I feel like crap today x.x... OH YEA!! I seem to have "Dejikonyo Haters club" WTF!!! WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO YOU FREAKEN PEOPLE!!!! YOU'RE JUST A BUNCH A JEALOUS FREAKS!!!! YOU'RE TELLING ME TO BACK OFF! When did nothin!!!! Seriously.... I never I mean I never! done anything to anyone on this site! Im always nice to everyone minding my own business. And now I get comments saying "Oh my friends hates you blah blah" well you know what fuck you I dont care if you hate me or not. I did nothing to you! You're missing out on a nice person and a good friend... so thats their loss.

I reported nothing happened... I PMed them asking them nicely "whats going on" I ignored it and blah blah blah I dont get it.

I dont want to but if it keeps up I might delete my MyO account (probly make a new one but who knows) This starting to freaken piss me off.

All of you know who I talk to I've never done anything mean to you rude blah blah blah.

I cant even post fanart because of the risk of this.... seriously get a life. AND LEAVE ME ALONE! ><

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