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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
ADV Films Survey
In the name of Delaware Anime Fans (DAF), please fill this out. ^_^
Hey gang!!
I hope you are having a good day!! I am contacting you in regards to the surveys!! I need your help! I need EVERYONE to fill out the July, August & September surveys by mid-October. I have a special report that I have to create with all of the 3rd quarter survey responses. The survey participation is a huge measurement tool for me in the success of the program. I know that no one likes homework, but I would really appreciate you helping me out!!
Now, I know that filling out surveys can be a bore. Especially when I ask repeat questions all the time!! Just to explain that to you, I try to ask consistent questions throughout each quarter so that I can more accurately report the trends and responses. The 3-month period of consistent questions gives me a much clearer snapshot. Thank you for your patience in answering these questions – and I know you are tired of them!! I promise that I will mix things up for the October – December surveys.
To give you a little incentive, I’m going to give a prize to the club with the most participation. I have all seven volumes of Gilgamesh sitting here on my desk, AND all seven DVDs are autographed by the voice actor featured on the DVD art cover. The whole package is valued at over $200 PLUS they are autographed. Pretty sweet!! I’m tempted to keep them for myself, but I need a pretty sweet prize to beg your participation. Hopefully this will do the trick!!
I hope you guys know how much I appreciate your help with this. I know I can count on you to pull together and give me some stellar participation. THANK you so much!!!!!
Click HERE to start taking the surveys now!
Please contact me at with any questions or concerns. You rock!!!
(And a HUGE hug to those clubs that have been keeping up with the surveys each month! Cheers to you!)
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
otakon meetup
Hosted By: Delaware Anime Fans (DAF) When: Friday Aug 04, 2006 to Sunday Aug 06, 2006 at 3:00 PM Where: Otakon: Baltimore Convention Center One West Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21201 US Description: Delaware Anime Fans (DAF) will meet at Otakon on 3 days at specific times. To find out when, please click the link below. Make sure you go to the link and let me know if you're going. It helps me keep track vs ppl replying to my myspace. Cosplay is encouraged. Non club members welcomed.
Click Here To View Event
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Anyone on Yahoo 360?
Add DAF at
Thanks for your support
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Monday, March 6, 2006
DAF on
Delaware Anime Fans (DAF) on
Delaware Anime Fans (DAF)
You get your own online music profile that you can fill up with the music you like. This information is used to create a personal radio station and to find users who are similar to you. can even play you new artists and songs you might like. It's addictive, it's growing, it's free, it's music.
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
We need more fan artists and anime fans
We need more activity in the Delaware Anime Fans (DAF) forum, mailing list, etc. We need fan artists to discuss our current club mascots, give out ideas and suggestions and some artwork.
We also need anime fans to make things lively in our forum and mailing list. Lively as in make posts about anime, video games, manga, write reviews, rave about last weeks FMA and all that fun stuff. So if you can (no pressure), please join the DAF forum at and/or the mailing list at
Thanks everyone. By voicing your opinion and giving feedback, it helps DAF make the anime club and the whole anime club experience better for you.
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Monday, January 16, 2006
finally updating my myspace
I've been updating both my myspace accounts. I added some color (finally) with one of those myspace profile editos and added some music (finally!). My beef is that I can't find anything by L'Arc~En~Ciel (well I did but it only had one song). I have Cage - Dir En Grey and Front E Braiser - Moi Dix Mois on both profiles cause I couldn't find any Larc. I wanted the song 'Lover Boy.' None the less, I'm still happy with them. (normal) (anime related)
Feel free to add me
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
DAF Changes for the New Year
Hello everyone of Delaware Anime Fans (DAF) and potential club members, It's been a great year hasn't it? With a new year brings new changes. First, I like to introduce the new DAF Staff. I, President Chan is still the owner and founder of DAF. Jason and Maria are heads of the public relations department. In addition, Maria is also head of the DAF Art Staff. There are more staff openings and DAF always needs help. If you have talent and can lend a hand to DAF, please let us know. Secondly, our meetings have been postponed. No longer do we meet at the Rogue's Den. DAF is very grateful to the Den and the owners. The Den gave us great memories like 'The House of Exploding Gameboys' incident, the Halloween Party and Naruto Premiere Party. We have several meeting locations in mind but we don't know which location would be good for the majority of you. Therefore, it is very important that you all vote on a location so that DAF can make plans and get on with the meetings. The less participation there is, the longer it's going to take. You can vote at In addition, it has now become mandatory for club members to take the ADV Films Anime ADVocate surveys. Failure to do so removes the club from their program. This means we don't get freebies from ADV to give at our meetings. You can take the monthly surveys at Also, we're starting DAF member spotlights. Every month we'll feature a member of the club on our website with their photo and an interview. I'll help everyone get to know one another. Lastly, DAF has a new mascot! Check out our mascot page to see what it is. Naturally we'll be needing more artwork so get those pencils ready and send some in. This is your club too so if you would like to see more of something, less of something or have any ideas, contact me. Thank you and have a Happy New Year. Remember to check out all the sites DAF members are on by going to You might meet up with friends
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Friday, December 23, 2005
check this out, find others that share your interest in music
Here's something I think you guys will like. There is this site called It lets others see your taste in music and they make recommendations. You can then find people that share your taste in music. It even lets you post what you've been listening to on the internet.
Here's what my weekly artists chart looks like
Moonlight Destiny's Weekly Track Chart

You can even add your friends list, neighabors (ones that share your interest), recent tracks, recent weekly artists, top artists, and top tracks to your yahoo 360 by RSS Feeds.
Here's my profile on there for those that are interested

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Monday, December 12, 2005
DAF on Gaia Online
I finally made the DAF guild on Gaia. Feel free to join.

Thank you all for the help and donations
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
I've updated my anime site. You can find a list of my fave anime, cons, jrock, fave anime links, fanlistings, pics, and all the other anime related stuff that I like.
Check it out
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