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myOtaku.com: DelawareAnimeFan

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Everyone, join Otaku Booty
A fun otaku/anime fan website

If you like anime, gaming, cosplay, manga, etc, you should join a site called Otaku Booty. Jason and I are on it as well as some DAF members. OB can be an Otaku Dating site, and Otaku Friendship site, or whatever you prefer to use it as. It has Otaku Ratings where you can vote on hot or not Otaku (anime fans), fun forums to chat about gaming, anime, cosplay, cons, you name it. Another fun factor is all the local anime fans you can meet and I don't mean from just Delaware either. All ages can join the site. It's pretty fun and FREE. You can join by going to http://otakubooty.bootyproject.org/otaku_signup.asp
Let me know if you join so that I can add you to my buddy list.

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