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myOtaku.com: deleriuslysane15

Friday, March 17, 2006

well uhm...i feel like shi* right now cuz im still sick.the only thing ive eaten and kept down in the last 3 days is a pack of poptarts.i ate a hamburger last night and i threw that up too...*sigh* 3 days, ive lost 10 pounds.crazy!newayz...my moms takin me to the doctor tonite after tennis,my parents are in like total denial that i rly need to get to the doctor.their nuts...

ya know in a way,this sucks really bad cuz since im going to the doctor, i cant see ryan most likely.unless i totally fake a "WOO IM *cough* HEALTHY" kinda thing...GAH my gum is stuck to my retainer...ewwww....lol,weelllll im gona go.im sleepy so i think im gona go to first hour and sleep the whole time.woo!i love you ryan

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