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myOtaku.com: deleriuslysane15

Saturday, March 18, 2006

  wooooooooooooooooooooooooo im so hyper...lol...

im feeling loads better!i have this nasty ear infection now, but thats ok.still havin issues keeping things down but oh well.im over it!i didnt go to the doctor last night, cuz i told my mom that i felt fine even tho i was really dizzy and stuff but i wanted to see ryan.so it all workd out!lol...hmmmm...what else?YOUR MOM!hahah,i so just owned you all!*cracks up* jeez im so hyper and happy and i dont know whY!!!!...*dances around* hm,well im gona go find some food,cuz that sounds really good!I LOVE YOU RYAN!!!had fun last night...specially when we had to hide out in the mall.;),tell bryce im mad at him,lol that scared the crap out of me!!!jeez...well ttyl!

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