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Rainbow Hunter, rainbows caught : 8
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Fifth Grade, Sailor Moon use to come on in the mornings before school....
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Learn Japanese, make my own website,draw a masterpiece,catch 20 rainbows (see occupation)
Drawing, Reading, Video Games, Movies,Computer Graphics, lots of stuff i haven't tried yet....
being talentless
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Well what do you all think of my new theme? This ones is of Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances) i thought i would make it match my avatar, which is also from Kare Kano. Kare Kano was one of the first mangas i ever read and if youlike romance then pick it up because it really good ^_^
Well i haven't been doing much lately, this is my last week of school, so iv been finishing that up, i got a B in my ceramics class, which is suprising because all my stuff sucked! Im taking ceramics 2 next semester though in hope that i might get better ^.^
Im not sure what ill get on my other classes, good i hope. But im worried aboutmy english cause i have to take final today and it like 40% of the grade >< if you don't pass the final then you dont pass! I always seem to bomb important tests so wish me good luck ok?
thats about it, i'll try and get to people today, and i hope you like my new layout!
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Hi everyone! How has your week been going?
This week has been better, I still miss my cat, but its not that bad this week.
I went to see Lady in The Water, and i though it was a really good movie. It had a really good story, I'd have to say i liked it a lot better then Pirates of the Caribbean. It was so good, i really wouldn't mind going to see it again.
well i guess thats all for this week. Bye^^
Random Question: Do you prefer cats or dogs?
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
My saddest day EVER!
How is everyone, good i hope ^_^
Well i ahven't posted or visted anyone for about a weeka nd a half. And im really sorry about that. Last week i didn't really feel like getting on much.
And just 2 days ago the worst thing ever happened to me....
My cat died....i know that a beloved pet dying isn't the absolute worst thing to ever happen but it still feels like crap. I'm really upset about it, I had this cat for a little more then 10 years. Thats half my life! (im 19 years old)
The worst thing is my grandmother brought this little cute kitten to the house, i guess my family thinks it will make me feel better, but all it did was make me feel worse ><, all i want is MY cat back!
I really do hope everyone is having a good week, and I'll try to get to visiting you all.
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
How is everyone doing? I hope your weekends are going alright.
Well for the past 2 days iv been trying to see pirates of the carribean, but everytime we want to go its sold out, so finally we just gave up. I didn't really want to see it anyway, i didn't even see the first one till it came on starz movie channel. The movie i want to see is Lady In The Water by M. Night Shyamalan, i like his movies (Signs, The village, The Sixth Sense), there is always some sort of twist at the end of them.
I also finished a wallpaper. Im not sure if i like it much, In the end i really didn't know what to do, so i just kind of stopped and left it how it was. I made the flowers and tried not to make them look too real, i don't think they turned out that well... anywa you can see it here.
By the way this one if from samurai Champloo, it Foo.
I hope everyone has a good sunday ^_^
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Well how was everyone's 4th of july?
I WAS excited about the fireworks display, but it turned out to be boring, it wasn't that great, but everyone around us seemed to love it ><, of course these were also the people that found fireworks making smiley faces the coolest thing ever......
I guess i just don't understand whats cool, because i thought it was kinda stupid.
oh well, i hope evryone else had a good 4th.
alright, its been a long time since iv visited everyone on my friends list, so today i will try to do that.
Have a nice wendsday everyone!
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Happy 4th of July everyone!
We got a couple fireworks for the 4th, but since our family really isn't into them much, we only got like 2 and some sparkelers. We got this really big one and it was ok, but i don't really find fireworks interesting, what im waiting for are the big fireworks our town shoots off over the lake, actually i kinda like the booms they make, is that wierd?
about my layout, some of you said you couldn't see my avatar, i did that on purpose, but the line isn't on purpose, i hate it ><
the other day i went to the mall and we went into this asian store, and i baught this really kool fan, its made of wood and blue see through silk, with gold flowers, i think it pretty ^_^
I guess thats it, nothing much else has happened.
Everyone have a Happy 4th of july!
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Saturday, July 1, 2006
Here is a new layout, for my new favorite movie, Final Fantasy: Advent Children.
This is my first expirament with html/CSS, so if you see any problems, like if you cant see it, please tell me ^_^ Since im new with it im not sure if i do everything correctly. Since i use firefox it looks best there, but it looks ok with IE as well, the only thing that is annoying me is the line beind my image ><, im not sure how to get rid of it. It also looks best at a 1024x768 resolution.
On to more news....My dad is getting a settlement because he got hurt on the job, and he say he will give me and my sister each a little to spend :D, which is nice because as usual i have no money....I just hope i don't spend it all on anime.....
Well i guess thats it, Have a nice Saturday everyone ^_^
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Thursday, June 29, 2006
wow its been a long time since my last update, and a LOT has happened. ok well nothing has really happened except that iv seen a lot of movies....
i know how suprising, me, seeing a new movie -_-
Alright, yesterday we rented 2 movies: "failure to launch" and "Ultraviolet" Failure to launch is a predictable romantic comedy, and ultraviolet is a boring and cheezy action flick.
thats not all, today i went to best buy and baught Final Fantasy : Advent Children ! IT WAS AWESOME!!
Everything i wanted in this movie was there and more! If you haven't seen it, buy it, rent it, just see it. Even if you don't like video games and don't know anything about final fantasy, just get it to appreciate the great visuals and music, its worth it.
oh yes i have to tell you what happend to me the other day. when i was coming out of school i was turning right into an intersection but when the light turned green for me to go, the light up ahead to the right turned red and i couldn't turn because all the cars were backed up the the intersection, so i had to wait for the light to get to red and then to green again, and this guy like 3 cars behind me started screaming at me "WHY ARENT YOU GOING!?!" and then he moves to the left lane and pulled up right to my window and starts asking me why im not going, over and over again >< and i turn to him and say " becuase i knew you would be here." and then he just turns and drives away! it was hilarious he looked so dumbfounded ^_^. The guy had it coming though, its not hard to wait an extra 2 minutes for a light ^^'
Well thats it, im sorry if my post is too long but i guess i had a lot to say today.
Have a great rest of the week, bye ^_^
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Monday, June 19, 2006
ok, im finally updating! its been a while ^_^
ok about a week ago i guess i submitted a new wallpaper, if you haven't seen it you can check it out here. This time its from Samurai Deeper Kyo, its very grungy, not anything like my last wallaper.
Also below is a scan of my chibi sketch, its not that great but then again it only took me like 3 minutes to draw so yeah....
Nothing else has been happening much, i'v been reading a lot, nowadays im into horror, im looking for somthing that will scare me but i haven't found anything yet >< One book did come close though..."Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury, its about an evil carnival, carnivals are scary....
I guess thats it, Hope everyone had a nice weekend, and has a nice Monday ^_^
Random Question: Whats the scariest movie you have ever seen?
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Friday, June 9, 2006
Its been so hot here lately! in the high 90's! Our house doesn't have any air conditioning so sometimes it seems unbearable! I hope it cools down soon.
I'v been busy with class, and i im getting better everyday in ceramics, nothing really good yet but im hoping i make somehting great soon!
Also i made another wallaper! if you want to see it go here.This pick is from a manga called Yotsubato, i think....i'v never read it but when i saw this pic it was just so cute ^_^
I'm also going to upload my chibi picture but im feeling lazy so maybe tomarrow...
Well thats it, hope everyone had a great week and has a great weekend! Bye!
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