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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Thursday, July 19, 2007

   Na No Da!
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XD Sorry people... I Love this pic and I just HAD to use it! HI!!! (Oh and I have a nmuch worse pic then that!). My day was so peachy... I need a new Drag AND Racing suit for swimming!!!! DX My racing suit someone stole (But I can wait till swimming season to get it) and now my Drag suit, the suit I use the MOST, is dead. The fabric is getting distroyed so it's becoming see through... And I cannot t use that... *Sigh* But I need to go into the city in order to get a new one... Damn-it-all. Sorry I ranted, just needed to blow of a little steam before it builds all up and I expload again.
OTAY! Today instead of top ten fav charcters, top ten fav animes! XD No particular order, unless you want to. I wont number them next time because that made it look like they were in order:

-One Piece
-Dragon Ball Z
-Tenchi Muyo
-Slayers Next
-Fruits Basket! (Furuba)

Welp... That would be all. NAME YOURS, DANG IT! ^___^ Bye! *Waves*


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