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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Saturday, July 21, 2007

   Worst moment
No pic... To sad to look for one. Hi. Today was boring and what not so when Kagome and Sango invited me over for a BBQ I got really happy. I wanted to see them cuz I haven't for awhile. Well... At first it was fun, then it got bad... REALLY BAD... Kagome and Sango have a 4wheeler(sp?). Well... Kagome and this one kid got into a very bad accident on it. The kid was hurt very badly and Kagome was complaining about her neck and back. I was really scared and what not. I was walking the dogs with Sango and these 2 other kids that were there. We were down the street some, but I could just barely see it. They flipped. At first it just looked like the hit something. It didn't even look like they flipped... Well I thought that thats all it was... until I herd them screaming and I realized they flipped. We ran there in a huge hurry and the kid was bloody... VERY bloody. Kagome just had a few bruises and scratches. Everyone was crying and what not... I know they're going to be fine, but still. They were taken into the hospital on a mercy flight... I'm just so scared! I was so frozen... I couldn't do ANYTHING and I was trained in that kind of stuff. I feel like I failed as a friend and as a life rescuer or something. I really hope she will be alright...

I don't care that I'm ranting. I needed to get it off my chest REALLy bad. Anyone got advice?


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