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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Monday, July 23, 2007

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XD HI TO YOU ALL! I'm much happier today. I found out my friend was Okay and BR sent me the draft of Chapter one! *Cheers* She knows how to cheer me up when I'm down... I love her! ^///^ ANYWHO: We don't have everything worked out for it yet. I'm drawing out the characters and what not and she's working with the story line (Her job is harder! *Sweat drop*. And, as I said, She sent me a DRAFT of Chapter one. It's not completely final just yet, but I guess she wants me to post it up on the Otaku so I have it! ((I know there was some other people wanting to be in it, I can't remember who, but I know I didn't get everyones Bio, so please!)) It's been a tad censored for the yound readers... *Sweat drop*

Demon: Ok so why do you keep this old T.V.?

BR: It's a classic.

Demon: It's dead.

BR: No. You just have to hit it.

Demon: Wouldn't it be easier to buy a new one?

BR: It works fine.

Demon: Their sort of cheap.

BR: It works.

Demon: More channels.

BR: I'm not buying a new one.

Demon: Alright. So your parents went to Europe?

BR: Yup.

Demon: And your brother?

BR: In Texas.

Demon: Leaving you-

BR: To house sit.

Demon: Well I-

(Ground starts to shake)

BR: What the hell?

Demon: What the hell is right. Look!

(A yellowish cloud forms over the sky)

Demon: I ain't no science wiss but I think we need to run. NOW!

BR: No shit Sherlock!

(Sirens start to go off)

Demon: Wonderful. This just adds more to the 'We're f***ed' factor.

BR: Less talking more running!

(Both start to run)

Demon: You know that song "It's the end of the world?"

BR: Yes.

Demon: Well I don't feel fine!

BR: I should smack you if for the fact that our lives weren't on the line!

(Keep running)

Demon: And the shit hits the fan.

BR: I swear to God if we live I'm going to smack you!

Demon: Look out!

(Run into a wall)

Demon: BR? BR?

(Switch to Integral)

Integral: BR wake up. It's your turn to watch.

BR: What time is it?

Integral: About 3 a.m.

BR: Geez! I was suppose to be up an hour ago!

Integral: I let you sleep. You looked calm.

BR: Yeah well my dream was far from calm. Well time to keep an eye out for the creepy crawlers. Is everyone here?

Integral: Yes.

BR: Good. Last thing we need is a MIA.

(Walks off to watch point)

Narrtion: It's been five years since that terrible day. Demon and me made it out but I'm not sure how. Integral and Al lived through the blast. We met up with them hours after the attack. Others joined us too. Fighting to stay alive from the undead, and people who turned their backs. Also we're fight in hopes of starting a new world. But our hope is hanging on by a string. I haven't heard anything from Europe. I pray that their still alive. But I have to keep a level head. Hope for the best but perpare for the worst. After fighting for five years holding onto dreams is a deadly thing.

BR: (Whisper) We'll just have to wait and see.

(Movemnt is heard. BR grips her sword. Footstpes get louder. Sweat starts to form on BR face. Footsteps get louder as a shadow forms. Then....)

Demon: (Loud whisper) Just me!

(Grip loosens on sword)

BR: God damnit Demon! You nearly made me piss myself!

Demon: Sorry.

BR: Geez. Thought you were a undead. Almost charged ya if you didn't say anything.

Demon: Jumpy?

BR: Yes.

Demon: I guess we're all a bit jumpy after the last attack.

BR: You think? That group was too close to home.


BR: Their getting bolder.

Demon: Attacking in groups is a new tatic.

BR: We have to be ready next time.

Demon: Hopefully next time is a long ways off.


BR: So why did you come out? You should be resting.

Demon: Wanted to see if you needed to talk. And I was bored.
BR: Not a good reason. You should be resting.

Demon: I'm fine! I-

(Slow movement is heard)

BR: Dead walker!

Demon: I'll get the others!

BR: Quickly!

(Slow footsteps are heard)

BR: Come on you son of a bitch!


BR: Where are ya?


BR: Come on.

(The sound of the undeads moaning can be heard)


Undead # 2: GAH GAH GAH GAH



BR: Shit there's four!


Undead: GAH AH UH


Undead # 2: GAH


Undead # 3: MAH AH


Undead # 4: NAGH

BR: Well at least I'll go out kick ass.

(Grabs sword)


Undead: GAH AH-

(A shot is heard as the undead falls)

Lu: You didn't think you'll have all the fun and leave us out did ya?

ZF: Let's kick some ass!

(Jumps in)

Undead # 2: GAH GA-

(Head is hit with a bo-staff. Undead falls)

ZF: As my friends would say 'Take that you undead freak!'

Undead # 3: MAH AH MAH AH-

(Hit with an arrow. Falls)

Anime Kitty: Die you undead!

Undead # 4: NAGH NAGH

BR: Nowhere to run-

(Slices off head)

Demon: Nowhere to hide.

BR: Is everyone alright?

ZF: Fine and ready to kick some more ass!

Lu: Fine.

Anime Kitty: A-okay!

Integral: No damage here.

Demon: Super!

Al: Alive and well.

BR: Good. They know where we are. We need to move and fast.

Lu: Third time this week.

Anime Kitty: How do they keep finding us?

ZF: Luck?

Al: Then they must win the lottary!

Lu: Can I please kill you?

BR: Lu no killing. Even though most of us here want to kill him we need to focus that energy to something useful.

Lu: Killing him IS useful.

Al: HEY!


XD I hoped you liked it! I sure as hell did. Well, Gotta go, BYE!


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