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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Thursday, July 26, 2007

   Blah Blah Blah
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HELLO! *Laughs* I love Church! XD Well... Remus' church. I'm not very religious, but it was extreamly fun! Let's see... I won 4 tickets to a baseball game, that I WAS going to go to, but I couldn't get a ride so I had to gove them away. I gave them to my bro. Instead I'm going to go to Seabreeze tomarrow. XD FUN! I had a lot of fun this last week... I was actually DOING stuff to make me NOT bored. Though that really Pizzed off me mom, so I probably wont do anything for awhile...
ANYWAY: I ove doin that top 10 stuff so I came up with a top ten favorite Japanese names! XD You're top ten Fav Japanese names (NO ORDER!)... Tell if you used then for like an OC or even just to name a video game chacter. Here::

-Natsuko (Used for OC!)
-Haru (Used for OC!)
-Nami (Though I kinda Dislike her from One Piece)

And those are mine! X3 LIST YOURS!... Well Bye Bye.


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