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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Sunday, July 29, 2007

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HELLO! I guess I got back into the whole ZoroxSanji swing thing... Sorry Al13, ZF! That and I'm feeling a tad evil so expect to see some more ZoroxSanji pics the next couple of days! *Sweat drop* ANYWHO: My mom says I never smile anymore... But people tell me I'm hyper... Huh? If I'm Hyper, I'm happy and thus I smile. Does this make sense? DOES IT!?

In other news... My bros B-Day is coming up soon! XD Aug. 3rd. He's turning 17 ((And Still can't drive!)). It;s one more age till he's Gone for good! XD YAY! And speaking of Birthdays... BR's B-Day is coming up REAL soon! Aug. 10th! She would be turning 18. XD SHE CAN VOTE!!! *Sweat drop* And be tried as a full adult. Heh Heh... Not to worry! She wont end up in that position! Right? RIGHT!? *Scared* Anyway... I finally found the Perfect thing for her and I think she will like it. X3 Fire Fist Ace has seen it... IT ROX SOX! I do hope she likes it o.o ...

Welp... I gotta go for now... BYE PEOPLE! *Hands out bottles of rum* RUM FOR ALL!!


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