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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Monday, July 30, 2007

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HELLO PEOPLE! I so love that Pic... It goes straight to the point XD... Anywho... Another question. Do I come off as Demonic!? Today my mom said I was acting DEMONIC! WHAT!? Okay... I admit, I do act a tad evil and my name is, well, Demon. But she said this to me only because I am wearing Black Nail Polish... Wha? I just do not get her. So I wear black a lot... Does that pose some sord of threat? Does that mean I'm Emo? Damn, I'm confused. *Sigh*

Anyway, My arm hurts... Like you people needed to know that. I wanna go back to school. Summer is just so damn boring! And I miss all my friends and my GF. So my question is... Do you people want to go back to school?

Gotta go.... *Sigh* No rum... Instead Pixy Stix! XD *Hands out Pixy Stix* BYE!


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