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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

   Crying children.. How sad...
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I really like that pic... It's kinda funny! XD HELLO PEOPLE! If you are wondering about the title... A baby was crying in my living room because my mom is a tirent! (JK) Nah... He was crying because he went into Timeout... But you really didn't need to know that. Anywho, Almost my stupid bro's B-day! I wish I could have found hima present I could AFFORD! Now I'm broke so I cannot get him anything... sad, I know. I HATE BEING 15! I can't get a damn job! All I can do to make money is babysit... which sucks monkey balls, let me tell you!*Sigh* Moving on... I read some of the Otaku news and I really don't have much Idea on what the "New Otaku" is about! I mean they just changed their style not too long ago. I'm confused. Can someone explain what's going on? Will the Otaku be down for some time or something!? Cuz That would suck.

Well... Bye Bye for today my furry little friends! XD


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