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myOtaku.com: demon2010

Friday, August 3, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
HELLO! ((Yes, Luna... I'm going to torture you a little bit more. Sorrry!)) Today is a very special day, indeed. Today is my bro's 17th B-Day! XD *Claps* And for his B-day we went to the drive in lastnight and saw The Simpsons Movie (Don't bother with it) and Transformers (eh...). Tomarrow we are having a bonfire for him and his little weird friends! XD So it's one more year until he has to move on out! (That's the family rule... once you turn 18 you ether have to start paying rent, or move on out.) I can't be a jerk to him today... damn... But just wait! He'll get it! XD XD XD

In other news... I have a few more charcters! I even decided to update my Character quiz! ((No I haven't posted it anywhere online!) Hmm... But I do have a few problems... My character, "The Puppet Master" isn't very complete. I have his Bio, but no pic! Hey... If one of you would want to draw him... FINE! Please... I have a few Ideas but I can never get the perfect him! He's a very classy, yet evil man. And if anyones seen the Music vid for P!ATD "I write sins not tragities", The Puppet master is suppose to look somewhat like that guy in the red suit... Go I didn't make sense. Anywho... Yes. I have DRAWER'S BLOCK! DUN DUN DUN!!!

Welps... That will be all for today! Get it? Got it. GOOD! :D Ta Ta for now!


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