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myOtaku.com: demon dragon

Saturday, December 24, 2005

   talk about a really strange christmas eve...
*--+--* Blue Eyes *--+--*
Music Controls: _^*^_ ChIbI WoRlD _^*^_ (the land Created By Demon Dragon)
*spazzes out and realise its christmas eve* WWWHHHHEEEEEEEEE!!! heh, just less than eight hours till christmas day!! and i havent asked for anything, its relaly weird.
how's your chrissy eve going? mine's going fast, its surprising. mum is chuckign old junk away and jack and my dad are fixing up brocken chairs 0.o

**Today was really weird. just before my brother was screaming and demanding to know where his advent calendar went (he needs to eat one more chocolate). Mum said that she acidentaly threw it away, and so my brother, the doofus he is, yelled and almost cried becase of that chocolate. 0.o and then he went SEARCHING in the bin OUTSIDE for it. double o.0U
and then when he found it...he ATE it. GROSS!!**

lol, and all day i only have one computer to entertain me. but i realy cant wait till christmas dinner though!!! since its about 4.25pm now, ill let you know tommorow how it went and what i got for CHRISTMAS!!! :D :D :D

Till then, my friends, and i hope you liked the card i sent around today! ^______^ hehee, it rocks.
Well, everyone have a merry christmas, sleep tight tonight, and get up REALLy EARLY!!!!


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