myO Still <3's You
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
On the first day of Christmas...
Listening to: Man-Eater by Nelly Furtado
Hi, peeps. It's been forever, no? lawlz, yah...I'm going to try and scan BJ's pictures today, if my mom lets me...
Oh, and guess what...SNOW! Yosh, snow...We've been getting it since...I don't know...somewhere in November, lol...
We're getting a lot today...Yes, we are...It looks kinda deep right now...
So, first day of December...That's why I put the title the way I did! But I don't really understand that song, or the religion/culture it comes from...*cough*
So, Aleicia and I have been creating a really wack fanfic about all the characters in Naruto and us...(by us I mean like Aaron (a dude at school that looks a lot like Lee), Celina, BJ, Aleicia and me...) It's fun...Aleicia's with Naruto, I'm with Gaara, and Celina and BJ are fighting me for him, but Gaara always protects me with his sand! <3 lol mom's at my uncle's right now...Organizing what we're getting for Christmas and planning...stuff she won't mention...So, there's a HUGE possibilty (actually, she said she WOULD get me one of these and get me the other one for mah birthdaaaaaaaaaaaaaay...) that I will get a digital camera (or a video camera) or Adobe Photoshop...I LOVE PS! It's so much fun! xD I'll spend, like, all day on it, just creating random things and coloring them...I love to color on it! xD
So, yah, just updating! :)
How're your guys' day been so far?
This bunny raped Aaron:
() ()
( o_o )
( () () )
Hah! You're welcome! x3
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Late post, short post. I don't care, I just love emo dudes! x3
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
I need a life...D>
Listening to: When We Are One by Gabriel Mann
Yes...the title is true...Wait a second...*goes to iTunes to change the song to Join Me In Death by H.I.M* Song just ended...
Hurmmm...Anyways, as you can possibly tell, the last past was typed by a hyper person, lawl...
Last day of my Photoshop demo...It has everything, but I'm gonna miss it...I lurve it! D> I'm gonna lend it to BJ so she can use it! *shakes her hand* Use it well, soldier!
Meh...I'm really bored...Nothing really to do...My mom offered to take me to my aunt's house to spend the night, but I declined...I have some anime to catch up on, and I have to talk to Weasel while watching Naruto...>:D Aweshum! She be kewl...
Gawd, I'm kinda done with candy now...I still have a lot, but I'm not gonna eat it...
BJ and I were ninjas this year! A lot of people just stared at us, but we don't care...Ummm...Oh yah! I got a new kitten! Well, we've had him for about 2, 3 or 4 weeks now, but he was about 8 or 9 weeks old when we got him. His name is Eligh...I don't know if that's how our family is spelling it, but it's pronounced "Ee-lie". He's a sweety - when he's tired! He'll crawl up in my lap ('cause I'm the one keeping him in my room...which now smells like cat litter because I have to have a cat box in there for him..D>), curl into a ball and hopefully fall asleep. If he's up, he's really fiesty. He'll come up and randomly attack your foot and bite your hand, and...kitteh teeth hurt! D> lawl
We got him at and I had just got groceries, and we were going to drive away when she saw a "Free Kittens" sign, so I begged her to stop.
And I begged for her to let me have a kitten. She did...and now we have 5...Which is a handful but you barely see them around...Besides, they usually sleep.
He had a sister, an orange tabby, and these other two gray cats. They were younger, and they were just floof. They're cute though! ^///^
Chinese food...that's what I want for dinner...That's probably not going to happen, though...I've been craving it for the past...year, or so...
They need more emo Asian guys at school! But, if they were just emo or Asian, that'd be fine!! <3 Weasel and I luff them...
It was funny, though...BJ, Weasel and I were walking to the locker room to change for gym, and Weasel said she liked emo dudes. BJ and I agreed (I think) and then I said, louldy, "Hot, Asian, Emo dudes!" And I kept repeating it, and they just kept laughing...
I got glasses. They're purple and gold. They have hearts on the side. Weasel found that out. I was so pissed, and she keeps saying, "You should have seen the look on your face!!"...Because I was so proud of them, and I let her look at them, and she said, "They have hearts on them," as if I had known.
And I whip around and I was like, "WTF?!!!!!" and she fell to the ground laughing...she does that a lot, and I'm not kidding! :D
I think that I didn't realize they had hearts on them because the original pair I had picked out were blue, with NO hearts, whatsoever...but the retarded person adjusting the nose piece was nice enough to break them, and get me a pair that was purple and gold with hearts on them that she thought was the right frame, and get it to me in a week! *is kinda pissed, so is rushing*
...*takes a breath* I'm okay now...
Oh! This happened to us Thursday (it's a three day weekend for us, by the way)! So we rode our regular bus to the Elementary school (we have to transfer about half of the bus to another bus so they get home quicker), and the guy with the other bus got freekin' lost! 5 FREEKIN' MILES DOWN THE FREEKIN' RODE! How retarded is he?! So we sat there, cursing and screaming our heads off, for about a freekin' HOUR!!...(has no idea why I'm so pissed off right now)...And we were just all pissed off...At least some of my friends are on the bus...^^'
Anyways...Sorry I haven't been on for...forever, and for the lack of art! Thanks...
...So how are you guys? *innocent smile*
(sorry for ranting! >D)
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Grrrrg...I like pancakes!!! >:3
Nyeh...Boo-yah! *snort* Humuguh...Pbbbbbt...Mushu mush mushhhhhhhhhuuugoooo....
Nyehahahaha! Muwah...*cough cough*
Anyways, hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It be me! Yesh, I know you've missed my awesomeness! xD I don't know what to say...
...Okay, so, ummm....yesh, I have a 30-day trial of PHOTOSHOP! *gasp* And it was FREE! Granted that I had to pay 20 bucks to get the book that came with it, and the fact that I only have 24 days leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeft....So...I picked it up at our school's book fair...
Ummmm....A's in all of my classes so far...'cept Science is kicking my butt cause of my me a C on a project because of the fact that I never got that project, and I STILL turned it in on time...DAMMIT! That just pisses me off...>>
Our soccer season is over already...I had a lot of fun, buuuuuuut...I hated all the *bleep* preppies that acted as if they owned everything...At least mah buds called meh Bob! Ho mai gawd! <3 I loved dat...
BJ and I just figured out that they have a Wii at our CHURCH! Another Ho mai gawd, thank you...I wanna plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay iiiiiiiiiiiiiit! >> The older peeps (high schoolers, and this one really cool older dude that still acts as if he's 30) played it, while BJ and I were stuck playing with the little peeps..
Urm....Hah, came here knowing nothing to say except the title! O_o'
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel...Been working on mai awshum art skillz...They be gettin' better now...
I had two other awesome anime freaks on mah team in soccer (forgot if I said that already), so yah...It was funny cause whenever we did really good on something, we'd be like, "We has awshum ninja skillllz!!!" or "PWNED! or "OWNED!" yeah...and one of them would yell something random when we were practicing before a "Pie comes in different flavors!" Cause she was all about pie...
Yay...And I have two great buds that come from a different school district, but they come to this one, because their school has all these shootings...Give it up for Celina (we call her Itachi or Weasel cause she looks like him) and Aliecia (Uh-lee-see-uh, NOT Uh-lee-shuh...all the teachers call her that and she gets pissed)!!! <3 It's funny cause we all realize that we have a little bit of emo in us! Soooo yeah...
Just an update...ask me questions about stuff if you want....I'm bored! O_o
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Monday, October 1, 2007
...Wassssssup, peeps?! :D
Listening to: Until Tommorow by Paramore.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP! Yesh, I know I haven't been on FOREVER!!!!...Or maybe that's what it feels like to me....xD *snort* Well, anyways, YES! IMMA ALIVE, DANGIT! D< lol I have SOOOOOOOOO much to talk about! School's great for me! Basically all of my teacher's love me already (especially my SS teacher! xD), and it's just fun, even if it's hard! I have soccer everyday after school for two hours, except for Friday...we're divided in A and B teams...I'm on the B team for some reason...and my team doesn't do that great, but we're always just laughing about the game later! :D I crashed intop a girl on the opposing team and almost broke my nose, even though it didn't bleed...and I got right back up and start dashing towards the goal...with no one to support me...>> Meh, we still need work...
Gah! Imma need glasses....I'm REALLY near-sighted in my right eye...*twitch twitch* The computer screen is blurry when I close my left eye, even though I'm a little more than a foot away from the screen...*twitch twitch* And THEN, I'm seeing little spots of colors dashing across my sight for a few quick seconds, so meh...But I think I look better in glasses. D:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyways...I'm gonna start a book...with characters....And if I'm lucky, it'll be published...but I'm just working on the characters right now...No story plan whatsoever...Well, maybe a little bit, but it's more of the whole concept thinnnnnnnng...a girl can dream, can't she?
Ummm...basically all of my friends love Gaara, I realized. And it's funny 'cause we'll all be outside, and somebody'll start a conversation about boys and their boyfriends (yuk), and I randomly shout, "Gaara's mine!" And then we'll all stare at each other and say, "HE'S MINE! GAARA'S MINE!" And then we'll chase each other around the parking lot and then we'll calm down and just start laughing, lol
I lurve cookies! <3 Our school has an "extra cart", as I like to call it, and we can get all kinds of sweets there...nachoes, pretzels, jerkey (which is really hard D:), sherbert, drinks (everybody loves this stuff called "Riptide", which ish really gewd! :3), chips, COOKIES...! Oh god, it's just delicious!:D
...BJ, about your pictures...I'll have to finish it tommorrow 'cause I'm too exhausted today, and I don't have soccer tommorow cause the A team has a home game...Sooooo....yah....
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm....Cookies, book, school...gosh, what else was I going to say? Ummmmm...well....mid-terms are here in a couple days, sure flies, huh? Almost twenty days in school already...*twitch twitch* They must give us some pill or poison at lunch that makes everything pass like a daze so we don't remember anything and get bad grades...D: TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE! D< Meh...god, I'm weird...I ate toooooo much...Bleeeergh...
This girl has a HUGE crush on GB, and it's so annoying...I wish she would leave him alone...*squirms* DON'T. SAY. ANYTHING!!! Hah, don't think he likes me anymore...D< Tch, aw weeeeellll...
G' dad wants me to look up something on Google...meh...bye. *twitches* *Coughs* Whoo, Imma gettin' a cooooooooooooooold! >>
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Get Your Own Quiz!, More Quizzes
Listening to: Congratulations by Blue October, Ft. Imogen Heap
"...Is that seat taken...Congratulations...would you like to take a walk with me? My mind, it kinda goes fast...I'll try to slow it down for you..."
Hello! Thanks for taking the quiz!...And if you didn't...DO IT NOW! *holds finger at your forehead*
Bleeeeeerghh...Imma sick...Last night my soccer team and I went to a soccer game (we left school early because it was about 1 and a half hours away), we tied (4 to 4), went to McDonald's, and then got dropped off at school. We were SUPPOSED to get there at 9, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! We got there at 8:25! The janitors got pissed off at some kids who were kicking the ball accidently at the windows, and one marches out and says, "I'll confiscate that now! Damn...boys are so stupid!" And I wanted to kill him SOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly...(even does Imma girl)...And it was frickin' cold out there! I was wearing layers and my teeth were still chittering!...Then my mom and dad picked me up at 9:05, and I was coughing and sniffing and feeling like I was gonna throw up...Soooooooooooo, I didn't go to school today...But what sucks is that I forgot my clarinet at school and my band teacher's gonna get pissed at me because I couldn't practice!...
ANYWAYS, tonight is the school dance....and I'm probably not going...Thomas asked me out to it, and I wanted to pound him to the ground so hard! He's such a jerk...
Cheese Puff and Pinky (a couple of BJ's and my best friends) are awesome! xD They be the best...
Sorry about not being on! I've been so busy with school, soccer AND band that I haven't had enough time to even TOUCH the computer! Buuuuuut...hello now...I'm back for the weekend...YAYS! :D...*glares at crowd* You're supposed to be happy...*growls and grabs butcher knife, and laughs/smiles as the scared people stand up and start cheering* Yaaaaaaaaaaaay...*cough sneeze oooooooooooooooooz...* Blergh...*grabs cleenix(sp?)* Nyah...*flings it at BJ's head* Nee hee hee...Ta-ta! *runs off with BJ yipping at heels*
...Happy happy...
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Hello, world...
Listening to: Simple Plan: Welcome to My's like my theme song now...D:
Mood:Left out, kinda down in the dumps...
Yes, hello world. I am, in fact, alive...I want to get this "Welcome Back To School" thing over and done with. But the good thing is that you don't get any homework...:D
...Well, here's some cousin, who is 19, is getting married next year, and his fiance's having a baby after the marriage, I think...
It's been storming on and off lately...I want it to keep raining because I love the sound it makes when it patters on my window! :3
Heh...well...schools okay so's okay...ummm, well...I basically come home from school everyday and I have a head ache, and I go straight to bed...
I was having a bad first day, so I talked to my mom and started crying, being a totally big baby, and then it started getting better...My pod went on a field trip today (wow, and we just started Tuesday! O_o'), to the armory not too far down the road...and I made a few new friends, so we were goofing around...
Meh...they nick named me "Ahaha" from the place we all love to visit, La La we picked out these retarded nicknames based on how we acted around each other...let's see...there's "Push Me", "LaLaLa", "Cheese Puff", "Butterfly Lady" and then there's "ELPThingamabobber"...that's BJ...her full name is "Evilladypersonthingamabobber", but I said, "I have no idea how she fits it on her nametag, but oh wellz..." So yeah...they're great! :D
We had to walk back to school in the rain, since it wasn't as stormy earlier, so Push Me clung to my arm and she just huddled close to me...I have no idea why a lot of people do that...I guess it's just because they feel safe around me! x3
So I was hyper because I just had a Gatorade (different from when I have a monster....D:), and they were all laughing at me...
Stupid "IT"....turns into "Hello, My Name Is"...Huh? *looks up* Oh, "IT"'s just a rolled up nametag that "Cheese Puff" (otherwise known as "Shewhohasnotbeennamedyet") kept poking me with and blaming I was all like, "Get away from me, IT!" And she unfolds it into the original nametag, so I just called it "Hello, My Name Is"...and then she kept changing it, and finally, as we neared the building, she said, "I'll go kill IT". And I'm like, "GOOD! But wait...what about 'Hello, my name is'?!" And she says, "Don't you get it?! It's "Hello, My Name Is IT!" So yah...just a joke you had to be there for, I guess...:/
Anyways, yeah...I'm okay now...Just a little bit weird...oh well...
Talk to me whenever! ^^
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
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I've been tagged!! O_o' lol
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged.
'Da Eight Random Facts:
1. I have three dogs, 4 cats, 2 inside birds, and 15 chickens.
2. My brother calls me emo, goth, and a spaz, even though I'm neither emo nor goth...
3. I can't even boil water to save my life!
4. I love sparring and role-playing with my best friend, BJ (Dragonclaw).
5. I always want more animals.
6....My brain just fritzed...
7. I HATE CLOWNS!! O_o' So damn scary...
8. There was this one sub at school who need help, so BJ told her that I was the strongest person in the room at the moment, but she kept saying, "I think one of the boys should do it..." So BJ and I were pissed, and thought she was a child molester or something! O_o'
I Tag:
1: Dragonclaw
2: cards44
3: slashwolf
4: mydogzena
5: mysterious rei
6: Whitewolf god
7: drummerfreak017
8: darkangel@
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