myO Still <3's You
Comments (20) | Permalink Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Weird dream, WEIRD DREAM!!!!
OMFG! I took a nap today, and I had THE weirdest dream in like, forever! (since I usually don't get dreams)
So here's how it went:
Somehow, I was fighting this big, giant horse thing, that was totally...well, mutated. It had a snake tail, horns, and red eyes.
I used my mind trasnfer jutsu (different from Ino's: I'm still in control of my body, I can move my spirit energy around, instead of having it move in one direction. But every now and then, if the enemy's too strong, my spirit energy will get stuck in the enemy's body, and I can't move, losing control of my body), and the monster was too strong, so my mind got stuck. It then trampled my whole body.
SOMEHOW, my soul got out when the monster died. And then, amazingly, I got stuck in Gaara's body. So I was inside of him, and we were just talking with our minds, cause well, I'm inside of him.
So yeah...we were just talking about anything that came to mind, and then he says:
"We have to get you back to your own body."
And I was like, "Well, duh! When did you first think that?!" He got kinda ticked, but he was fine...
So then, we find my empty body that had been all torn up and scratched and was bleeding everywhere (imagine that...)...So, Gaara let my spirit out, and I flowed into my own body.
I gasped for air before I passed out - I was in way too much pain.
So then, I wake up in the hospital, Gaara lingering at the bed's side. I can barely move, so I'm just lying there, staring up at the ceiling.
Then, my older brother marches in, and blows Gaara away when he tries to protect me.
Then, GB appears and opens a can of whoop-ass on my brother, who is then knocked out.
Kakashi runs in and he's like, "WTF?!!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!"
I just roll my eyes.
Then, for some reason, everything disappears, and it's all black. All that's there is me, the bed, and the IV needle or something.
So I can't move, and then my inner demon, the white yin-yang wolf appears. And, of course, it's giant.
It tries to kill me, and, surprisingly (sarcastic), almost does.
That's when Gaara appears (of course...), snatches me up, kills the demon with one last swoop, and he just holds me there, we're both blushing, and that's when my dumb dog jumped on my and woke me up...such a great dream, too...
Well, our chickens have produced a lot of eggs for us! ^^ We gave my uncle a dozen and a half eggs, and we have a little more than half a dozen now...
Wow...what a weird dream, huh? *yawns* My mom and dad are staying at my uncle's (my grandparent's farm, I think) farm tonight, just because they want to. So my brother and I are the only ones home, and if you know, that's not a good thing...We'll eventually try to kill each other...*stuffs knives, guns, and other dangerous things into safe, locks it, then throws away the key* There, much better...I'm not dieing anytime soon, cause I still have to protect my friends! ^^
I was scaring myself earlier today when I was running around in circles, yelling and screaming and being hyper...I had too much jerky and sugar, I guess...whoops! ^^' *sweat drop*
Well...*yawns*...good night! xD
Friday, August 17, 2007
..................*twitch snore twitch*
Oofdah. It's like...almost 11 at night here, where I live...I don't care. Mom's gonna wake up and be like, "What are you going up so late? Go to your room and watch your anime shows or something! ^_~"...Heh...*smiles*
CJ ish happy todays...CJ sat down and drew all day, finally. Then CJ and her father sat down and roasted braughts over a fire, then practiced playing soccer (CJ whooped her father's butt! x3). But then CJ got a really bad cramp and almost threw up, so she sat down in the upstairs bathroom and listened to some of her music while talking to her mom.
...*twitch twitch*
...I have no idea why I was talking in third person...just wanted to update...*yawns* Good...night...*head falls on desk, slightly snoring*
*Gaara comes in*......awww...*picks CJ up and carries her to her bed*...*awww...:3*...
Good night...*tucks CJ in*...
*CJ awakens* AGH!!! WHERE AM I? WHO'RE YOU?! ARGH!!!...*falls asleep again, head on shoulder, looking like a deranged lunatic with a long tongue, twitching and kicking in sleep*...
...*Gaara is spooked and runs away silently! >:3*
*CJ wakes up from fake sleep, grinning evily*...Tee hee!
Well, CJ better get to bed and watch the anime shows on Adult swim...I don't care if I miss Bleach: I'm in it for Full Metal Alchemist...but aw, whatever...I can always set my alarm clock to 3 in the morning to catch the reruns...
Good night, peoples...
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Question time, peoples!
Hey y'alls. I've been wandering, since, if you don't know, I've suddenly come into a liking for FullMetal Alchemist. I have a lot of questions about it, since I don't stay up all night, every night, watching it, but I really just want to ask this one:
What are homunculi? I've come to believe that they are sins. They take over the body of a person that has died, and act like what sin that person has most likely caused. I know it might not be the answer, so I'm that true? Cause I was thinking of creating a homonculi out of my FMA character (ref pic in my portfolio) when she dies out of a battle or something like that...can someone inform me about these "homunculi", if I'm even saying that right? Thank you! ;3
And are you guys? My chickens have produced almost 2 dozen eggs, so my mom is paying me a dollar a dozen, until we get customers lined up (like friends, neighbors, that sort of thing)...Meh, I'm bored...
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Friday, August 10, 2007
2nd Degree Burns on My Fingers
Ow...*sniff sniff*
A kid made me shoot myself with a hot glue gun and now I have 2nd degree burns on my hurts! TT.TT The kid was in kindergarden, and he bumped into me when I was gluing something for him...
I can't draw now, or it'll hurt, and it's taking me a little while to type because of that...
Just saying...AT LEAST I DON'T CRY LIKE LITTLE BABY GIRLY-GIRLS!!! Suck it up, bioooooooooooooootchez! xP
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
Smexy Gaara! x3
He needs pants...really, really, REALLY baggy pants...ew...
Ahhhh! Makes me laugh evily! *laughs* Ahahahahaha!
*runs away screaming from an angry Gaara*
Hah ha! I have one last pic for you, biotch! *shows him the pic, and watches him run away screaming like a little girl*
It's not THAT bad, is it? *evil smile*
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So sad, so, so sad...
WARNING:For any cussing and what not I didn't do it. Now that we got that settled on with the post!
Her name was Auroura
She was only five
This is what happened
When she was alive
Her dad was a drunk
Her mom was an addict
Her parents kept her
Locked in an attic
Her only friend
was a little toy bear
It was old and worn out
And had patches of hair
She always talked to it
When no one's around
She lays there and hugs it
Not a peep of sound
Until her parents
unlock the door
Some more and more pain
She'll have to endore
A bruise on her leg
A scar on her face
Why would she be
In such a horrible place?
But she grabs her bear
And softly crys
She loves her parents
But they want her to die
She sits in the corner
Quiet but thinking,
"God, why? Why is
My life always sinking? "
Such a bad life
For a sad little kid
She'd get beaten and beaten
For anything she did
Then one night
Her mom came home high
The poor child was hit and slapped
As hours went by
Then her mom suddenly
Grabbed for a blade
It was sharp and pointy
One that she made
She thrusted the blade
Right in her chest,
"You deserve to die
You worthless pest! "
The mom walked out
Leaving the girl slowly dying
She grabbed her bear
And again started crying
Police showed up
At the small little house
They quickly barged in
Everything was as quiet as a mouse
One officer slowly
Opened a door
To find the sad little girl
Lying on the floor
It must have been bad
To go through so much harm
But at least she died
With her best friend in her arms A child dies every day from child abuse. And if you have an ounce of pity in you for little Auroura and you hate child abuse with a passion you will repost this and help out those abused children and let them know that someone cared for them. If you don't then you should go to fucking hell, this is horrible what happened to these innocent children. It doesn't take that long to repost only about 10 seconds so please just do it. its worth it to let everyone see this. some people are so cruel... this is terible but it hapens so much we cant ignore it. a note from BlackMocassin15: Please don't report this for not being quizzes, we're just trying send send a message! add ur name if u agree that this is getting bad...
1. eaklorgirl (tears coming down cheeks)
2. vampiredemonperson
3. Savy5097.... Savannah
4. iluvmark99 aka nick(who is a girl! not a guy!!!)
5. hi2umoomoo
7. BlackMocassin15
8. Thena
15.Squeaker 1
16.Angel Zakuro
17.DarkXBlood (Please help the children live without pain and hate)
20.coolgirl118 (How sad I thought I was going to cry. Please help the children!)
22.Pa-pura karasu
23. Shinobi 1995
24. Thornless.rose
25. Demon Wolf Koruki (How could someone do that to their own kid?!)
Holy crap! That is SO sad, I thought I was going to cry the first time I read it...Wow...
How could anyone do that?! HOW?! Poor kid...that's so sad...
zzwroker301 has deleted his site on the Otaku. He now has a myspace (he called me last night, and amazingly, he's in the same pod as BJ and me!)! Amazing...what's so good about that? No offense to anyone that DOES have a myspace, but I just feel safer on the Otaku, probably because I know a lot more people here! ^^'
I saw the movied Harry Potter and The Order of The Pheonix last week with GB and Lake (friend from school). Lake dropped his red Icee and it went everywhere in the theater, and GB and I were like, "You killed someone!", 'cause, you know, it looked like blood! xD
But I had cramps throughout the whole movie, so I was squirming around in my seat, holding my hurt...
Then, when we were in the car, I let a couple loose! Cramps give me gas, GB just looked at me like, "WTF is your problem? Geez!"...and then Lake farted (he's quieter but he is a HELL of a lot smellier), so we were laughing and coughing at the same time...
Oh! And then Lake was listening to my iPod, he said he had it up full blast! But really, he didn't! The iPod's sound was all the way up, but the headphone's volume wasn't! So I was like:
"Oh, that's not all the way up!" and I turned it all the way up. He kind of yelped, but after a few seconds, he started dancing again! He was listening to Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne! And GB and I were like, "We should have captured that on video!" We were laughing so hard!
Then I went to GB's game Friday. His team placed second...the team they played against was really tough! Then, we saw TR there, and he's like, "Don't you know what day it is?! It's my birthday!" I didn't really care of course, but I was like, "Oh,no way! Cool! Happy B-Day! *cough cough*"
...I'm listening to some of the Naruto music I downloaded, so that's cool...I'm listening to the 2nd opening currently...I like that one! =3
So...OH! Our chickens started laying eggs! We have six currently, but they probably have a couple more in the pen...I just need to check, and I don't feel like doing that right now...I'm tired, and I have cramps...
I had a really bad day yesterday...I made myself some cookie dough, and I just sat back and watched TV while eating out of the large bowl...Of course, I felt sick afterwards (I kept the eggs out, don't worry!). I was just kind of stressed yesterday...*sighs* And my brother was being such a bitch, calling me a sociopath or whatever...Isn't that when a person keeps themselves away from people? Like, not wanting to be around other people? I mean, I don't like being around other people (not you guys! I love you guys like family! ^^'), especially older, teenage, girly-girls that have bad attitudes that I offense to anyone...
I had to cut up some paper for my mom, so...there were probably more than 100 pieces of paper! Hold on, let me think...there were about...7 figures to cut out, and about 17 sheets of each figure, so that's about...what, 119? Something like that...and I had to get them done by 5:30, and I started, stupidly, at 2, so I got them done about 10 minutes before my dad came to pick them up and take them to VBS, which my mom is >making< me volunteer at, so that sucks...
The kindergarden kids remind me of this one girl that always came up to hug me, and wouldn't stop saying my got annoying, and she was kind of bossy, but whatever...I'm not really a fan of kids, but my mom says I'm really good with them, so she's always volunteering *cough forcing cough* me to babysit for our neighbors or something, so yeah...
So, just updating because BJ got annoyed and wanted me to create a new post...I think I forgot to say something, but oh well...I'll have a new picture up soon! I've been drawing a lot, but some of the pictures are personal, and I don't want to share them with anyone...the new pic is just a new outfit for BJ and I, when we enter the chuunin exams...we need a new outfit for Logan, any help would be deeply appreciated! ^^
P.S: Like my site? I spent a lot of time fixing it up! It kind of looks depressing, but it's what I feel most of the time these days, so I just listen to the song on my site, and BAM! I feel better! So, well...thank yooooooooooooooooooou! x3
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Listening to: FadeAway by CellDweller
DANG BROTHER!!!...I hate I just came upstairs and I'm like,
"I have red hair!" And I love my red hair, so don't kill me! And he's like,
"That's probably because you dyed it!" And, of course, I had dyed it in the morning...My mom helped, so yeah...
And my neighbors had just had a birthday party for their little adopted girl, so we got cake. It was an ice cream cake, so the top accidently got stuck to the top of the container.
So my brother got a knife as I was heading downstairs, and he's like,
"Don't cut yourself with this!..." and I thought, "WTF?!", so he's like..."You dress like an emo, I'll treat you like an emo!"
There was a moments silence, while I was thinking, "It's a costume, you (cuts of actual thoughts because they're too violent to be one here...)"...
So I kick him, he's scared, and I'm like, "You treat me that way, I kill you that way! *angry glare*"
Don't ask! I've just had a very busy week and I'm very tired and stressed out, and I don't need shit from him...
And if you're asking, NO, it's not my time of the month! >.< Jerks...
So, anyways, the fair went good today. I didn't place in the "Pretty Poultry" thing, (where you dress up your chicken and you dress like it too...that's why I looked emo...<=/), but they gave everyone five dollars for it...
O...M...F...G!!! The chicken races were so much fun! =3 I raced Pristine, (I came close to winning), and my dad raced Tori, and he won! Though he didn't win the championship, lol...Tori was close though! ^^'
So, was fun! ^^'
Here are some pics of me at the fair:
Me and Pristine, right before racing. I'm in the middle! ^^ (god, I'm ugly...*sighs*)
Me and Baylee, demo-ing for people. Though we didn't do that good, I was just laughing...I was tired, so please ignore the mean look on my face...I was sort of
This was taken Friday. It was when I was showing the chickens to the judge, and...I gots a blue ribbon for it! x3 I was nervous and tired, so yeah...
Random Note:
BJ, the song I was telling you about at the fair is called, "Seizure of Power", which was made by Marilyn Manson and is from the soundtrack of Resident Evil...just so you know! ^^
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OMG! BJ and I went to the fair yesterday...Well, actually, my dad and I were working in the poultry barn, and my mom was trying to contact BJ and her mom so much, and then I see her and I'm like, "OMG! HI!!!!!!!" I was bored and a little hyper so
So we went on one of the the twister, but the one where you get into these 3 or 4 person seats, and you spin in a circle in the seat while the whole ride spins as well.
BJ and I were the only ones on it! xD But I had my hair up in a bun with chopsticks (with little skulls on them <3) and they flew out! Right now, I'm sure you're either, "WTF?!" or "OMG! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOES!" (is randomly hyper at the moment), but we found them! =3 So I'm happy!
But she kept smashing into my hip so now it's bruised...she couldn't move, because we were going so fast...*sighs and rubs sore butt*
We walked around the animal barns, making fun of some of them (the cows didn't like BJ at ALL! They would turn their heads and they'd be like, "Merrrrrrooooooooooo!" OMFG, it was so funny! x3), and pet of my chickens scratched her though...SORRY! >.<
And then we saw this gay retard from school there...her mom and my dad went over, cause they wanted us to work in the workshop that he was working in, and we ran away all like "NO FUCKING WAY!!!"
Then, when BJ's mom came over, she was like, "Oh, mom! You know Jon, that kid from school who's eyes are all screwed up? Remeber what I told you about him? He likes me...and her! *points to me*! OMG, it's creepy!"
Me: *nod nod* >:( (didn't really feel like talking...xD)
So we left...And had minnow races! My minnows were lazy, so BJ's one twice! But she gave me those kazoo lips, where they're shaped like lips and you just blow and they make funny noises! =3
So yeah...we wanted to get those blow up hammers and hit each other with them, but her mom said
We ate, got ice cream, then climbed the fire tower...
Now, almost NONE of these are put in order, but I don't care! x3 It was just so much fun! ^^
And now I'm dressed up as an emo/gothic kid for the chicken thing we have this afternoon, but I have to do a demo with Baylee this morning, where I just show people what we learned.
I have a black and white striped T-shirt with one of mah dad's red ties, baggy black pants, and I'm going to put on my fishnet arm things later...they're actually just socks with holes in them, because they're sort of see through, since we really couldn't find fishnet...<=/ But then I have a couple bracelets that are pretty cool! xD
So...yeah! Just saying what happened! I was too tired to get on and type yesterday, so I didn't! ^^
Anyways...nothing left to say I don't think, safe out there guys! ^^
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