myO Still <3's You
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Hey Peeps!
Hello, y'all peeps! Imma bored at da moment, lol Though I gots mah black Gaara tee and #2 of the Naruto manga series yesterday, lol I LOVE DA GAARA...TEE! I love da Gaara t-shirt, yes, that's right...the Gaara t-shirt...O_o' *is seriously blushing* Errrm, uhmm...ignore what I just said, I'm crazy, lol...
Hmm, my computer's being a bitch and freezing and everything, so plese excuse this if it has any errors, lol
OMG! FIREWORKS! Where I used to live, all of my street would get together (we'd do this every time there was a big event, like Christmas) and bring a TON of our own fireworks, and we'd stay up REALLY late, just launching all of the fireworks in the air! And then, some of the teenagers, earlier in the day, would tie a plastic bottle to the tree, put a firecracker or something like that into it and watch it (lightly) scorch the tree! It was awesome!!! lol xD We were crazy! ^^
Umm...I get almost all of my Naruto merchandise at's a really good place! Though some of the stuff is kinda expensive, lol...
Ernn...I wanna blow up stuff, lol GIMME THOSE FIREWORKS!!! *rips them from your hands* MINE!!!...FINE, you can have my cookie in exchange...*hands you cookie* HAPPY?! lol I'm crazy...
Bleh, I think I might be getting throat is itching like crazy and it won't stop burning! Urgh...Erm, ummm...I might be able to go over to BJ's next week...we'll stay up really late and watch Bleach and Inu-yasha! I luv does I have really bad speaking errors, lol...I DON'T REALLY CARE, lol I SAY THAT TOO MUCH, LOL UGH! I DID IT AGAIN! LOL WHY CAN'T I STOP? L-- *hits self before able to finish "lol"*
Err...uh, heh, sorry 'bout that...I'm a little TOO excited for the booms of fireworks! Our old, plump white dog is gonna be scared, though, so we'll have to keep her in my mom and dad's room...*she escaped last was really scary because we thought she was gone for good! TT.TT I love that dog...*
Anyways, hope you guys have a good 4th! ^^' I know I will! *BANG* Erm, I'm sorry, Keanan...I didn't notice that you were in the way of my, erm...uh, firework, sorry...*runs away with brother on tail* HELP ME, PLEEEEEEEEASE!!! lol *hits self again* WHY do I keep saying that? lol I better shut up while I can, lol *I should really think about getting rid of that word in my head, heh*
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Just fare warning - there will probably be a lot of angry CJ in this, along with a lot of cussing, probably.
NOW, godammit! This pisses me off! I mean, what the hell? OCs belong in original anime, yes. But you can put it wherever you want! I'm still sorta confused about what everyone is argueing about, but I'm starting to catch on!
You create the character for an ANIME you DIDN'T create! If you say something like this, (example) "Sukairi belongs to me, whereas Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto", that's fine with ME, bitches!
Usually, I put my OCs in ORIGINAL ANIME, because, amazingly, they are mine! Later, in the future, I might want to put a request for someone else's OC in MISC. ANIME because they do not belong to me! GRRGH! This whole thing just pisses me off! Everyone has their own opinion, and this is mine! If you want to disagree with me, you can, but please, PLEASE don't be so mean in your comment that you start a war with me...(and another warning, I'm easily pissed :D).
This sure pisses the HELL out of me! If you know what you'd say might piss other people off, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!...As a matter of fact, I might as well keep THIS to myself, but it's too late now! >:D
This is an ART site! So long as you give credit to the people that originaly made the characters, THEN THAT IS FINE WITH ME, assholes! Got it? Godammit, this SO pisses me off...
Hopefully I made a point to you...Sorry if I pissed you guys off...It's just so goddamn frustrating! And I feel sorta weird talking about this...But whatever, other people have already made their opinion! And Kanel, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T DELETE ALL OF YOUR OC STUFF!!! TT_TT
I at least need SOMEONE on my side...-_-'
...Whatever...this just pisses the hell out of me...GRRRGH!!! >:( FUCKERS!!!
...Yet again, I ask you to ignore my language...I tend to let loose when I'm pissed...>.< And I know I use that too much, lol...anyways, yeah...just take this into cosideration for a while...think about it...does what I say make sense? Probably not, but still...
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South Bleach
REALLY hilarious!
REALLY good song! The song's "Fuck The System" by System of a Down.
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Monday, June 25, 2007
Funny Saiyuki Moment + Update
Dang, that's funny! Hakkai (guy driving the vehicle) is so...*cough cough*...urm, uhm...NEVERMIND!!! *shifty look* Yeah, this is HILARIOUS! It's from "Saiyuki, Episode 2" I "Oh my, awful quiet back there, guys! Are you making out?"
"Shut up, Hakkai!"
"Yeah - shut up!"
Anyways, I'm sorta tired...REALLY tired, actually...anyways, I was going to go to GB's game, but uh...I was WAY too tired and fell asleep...sorry, GB!-_-'
Anyways, I'm thinking about quitting junk food for a was making me feel "bleh", if you know what I I just chowed down on some strawberries and other fruits...I tried eating a turkey + cheese sandwich my mom bought me at a store, but...It tasted funky...
My mom and dad went to GB's game instead...I think they'll be back any moment...I haven't been sleeping that good, because if you didn't know, I have en extra bone in my back...I have to sleep a certain way or my back will tighten my muscles and I'll wake up with cramps and a back problem...yay for me, lol D:
Umm...anyways...we have our trampoline up (HAPPY HAPPY!!! xD)
My mom and my brother went out earlier to check out some videos. My mom picked out "Bridge to Terabithia" while my brother got "Blood & Chocolate" for me. I've wanted to see that one when it first came in theaters! I wasn't able to, though...
Gotta go! TTYL xD ^///^'
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Lose Control - Missy Elliot and Ciara Feat. FatMan Scoop
REALLY good song - scary video!O_o'
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'Cause Randomness is Awesome! xD
So mah bro has two of his friends over...I like being around them 'cause they're scared of me...and if you know me well, YOU'LL KNOW I LOVE TO SCARE PEOPLE!!! xD Heh, lol
...Well, I'm getting a trampoline today! I can't wait! Then I'll be able to spend more time outside cause I basically have nothing to do besides run around with the dogs...Which can be fun, but Baylee usually jumps up and "playfully" bites me when I run with her...SHE'S JUST TOO ENERGETICE!! D: Heh, lol I guess I am too...
Umm...I'm sorta about mah buds here? You guys doing better than me? Heh, lol...I'm taller than one of mah bro's buds, which is kinda...terrifying...
I wanted to run into the living room/den outside of my room, where my brother's friends were sleeping, and yell "MORNING, BOOBS!!!" at 5 in the morning...That's when I woke up, actually...But I would've gotten into big trouble though, lol I don't really give, you know?
Anyways, I have to do all this dumb 4-H shit...I hate it...It's so boring! xd I don't like it, though my mom's forcing me to be in it!!! O_o' BAD MOMMY!!! lol
The chickens keep escaping, though we found the source of their escape route, lol
I've been playing Pokemon Diamond a lot lately. I've trained all of of my pokemon to at least level 40 or higher. I just like that game cause I like whooping people's butts using ANIMAL THINGIES!!! x3 I haven't even STARTED my Pokemon Pearl, lol...Yes, I have both of them, lol I have all the pokemon games for Gameboy Advance and DS so far. Like Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Rangers (which was one of the more stupid ones in my opinion), Sapphire, Ruby, LeafGreen, FireRed, Emerald, Dungeon or whatever...That one's sorta retarded though...All you do is walk around like the pokemon you got from your quiz (usually I get Pikachu or Charmander, lol) and ram into other pokemon like you're humping them, lol It's sorta sick if you think of it that
Ash: Woo-hoo! More members to our group!
Me: Whoopity-doo-da...
BJ: I wanna battle!
Dawn: C'mon Piplup! Let's go train for the contest!
Me: I took part in one contest, won first place, and I'm not going back there...
BJ: I agree...I don't really like contests...I just really like badges! *big smile*
Me: I already have five...I shine them every day! *even bigger smile*
Ash: NO WAY!!! I don't even think I have 1! *tears*
Me: You want to battle? *laughing inside at "the best trainer ever"*
Ash: YES! I'm always up for a good battle!
Brock: I'll be referee (sp?). And the battle between CJ and Ash shall begin...NOW!
Me: Go, Katisune! *throws pokeball*
Ash: ? Go, Turtwig! *throws pokeball*
Katisune: Tor-terra!!!
Ash: *scared* Holy Crap, that's a big pokemon! What is it?!
Brock: It's the fully evolved form of Turtwig!
Me: *smirk* Ready?
Ash: Yeah! Let's go! Turtwig, bite! *Turtwig charges*
Me: *waits until last second* ...Katisune, razor leaf!
Katisune: Tor-terra!! *summons leaves, then spins them rapidly, hitting Turtwig perfectly*
Turtwig: Tur..twig...*is KO-d*
Ash: TURTWIG! It's okay buddy...we just have to train harder! *recalls Turtwig, grabbing another pokeball*
Me: Great job, Katisune! It's Shanxy's turn now! *grabs Shanxy's pokeball* Go, Shanxy!
Shanxy: Luxray!!!
Ash: I-Is that the evolved form of Shinx? Go, Starly!!
Starly: Starleeeeee!!!
Me: Shanxy, spark!!!
Ash: Starly, dodge it!
Starly barely dodges Shanxy.
Me: Too bad! Shanxy's too fast! *Shanxy whips around in mid air, still spark-ing, hits Starly perfectly, KO-ing it* Too bad, Ash! You only have two more pokemon left, and none of mine are even hurt! *evil smirk*
Ash: Fine...*recalls Starly, bringing out Aipom*
Me: Alright...Go, Migrane! *throws pokeball*
Migrane: Gold-duuuck!!!
Ash: Oh now!! Aipom, swift!
Me: Migrane, dodge it, now go underwater! *Migrane dives into lake, waiting for Aipom, who stupidly looks into the water*
Ash: No wait! Aip--
Me: MIGRANE, SURF!!! *big waves crash down on Aipom, KO-ing it* Great job, Migrane! And now...Ash only has his Pikachu left! So, I will bring out...Psychoic!
Psychoic: Kaaaa-dabra!
Ash: Go out there, Pikachu!
Me: Psychoic...Psybeam! *Psychoic blasts Pikachu with psychic beam*
Ash: Pikachu! Dodge it! *Pikachu dashes side*
Me: Too bad - you can't dodge that move! *Pikachu is blasted with Psybeam, becoming confused* Now, Psychoic...PSYCHIC!!!
Psychoic: Kaaadaaabraaa!!! *uses Psychic, taking out Pikachu*
Me: Great job, Psychoic! *pets it* Thanks for all the support, guys!
Brock: Ash has lost the battle. CJ is the victor!
Me: Ah, yes! Eat that, Ash! *evil grin*
BJ: Great job, CJ! WOO-HOO!
Dawn:...Maybe next time, Ash...
Ash: She's too strong...I couldn't even land one hit on her! She deserves those badges...*gloom*
Me: Aww...don't feel bad! Maybe in a few years you'll be at my level! But by that time...I would be the greates trainer ever! *BJ and I laugh evily*
Well, as you can see...I'm full of randomness at the moment, lol xD I hope you enjoyed that battle! It might seem that I'm way too tough for Ash...because I am, lol x3
I'll tell you the names/nicknames/levels of the 6 pokemon I ALWAYS have in my party, for some reason...Just the first 6 I caught, I guess! I usually never replace those pokemon...I lurve 'em too much, lol xD
Katisune: Torterra - LV. 46
Shanxy: Luxray - LV. 44
Migrane: Golduck - LV. 40
Chimchaga: Bibarel - LV. 40
Psychoic: Kadabra - LV. 40
Baltico: Staraptor - LV. 40
I have the weirdest nicknames, eh? I just want them to be original! ^^' I haven't really been playing THAT much...I'm training in the grass next to Canalave City for the Gym battle. I know I'm already strong enough to beat him, but I like being prepared and ready for the next challenge! I don't really like having weak pokemon, though I like buffing them up!!! ^^ I'm always focused on using stuff to boost up the Health Points, Defense, and Special Defense. I'm not really into attack, even if it takes forever to KO the other pokemon, lol I just don't want my pokemon to KO on me, lol ^^' I'm a pretty secure trainer, lol
You don't have to read this if you aren't really into Pokemon. I just like the games - the shows are a little cheesy to me...WHY DON'T THEY SEE THROUGH TEAM ROCKET'S DISGUISES? They're so easy to see, lol...Why don't you even recognize the talking Meowth?! lol
If you're wondering why Katisune is at a higher than all of them, it's that she's the only one I've been able to train so far - I always raise them to the exact same level, lol I don't want them to feel left out! lol I'm so retarded...
Anyways, this was just a long ^^' Enjoy!
Tip: The Canalave City Gym Leader is Byron, who uses Steel pokemon with high Defenses. Use either fire or water...Stock up on potions and the like - with their high defenses, it'll take a little while to KO them!
His pokemon are:
Bronzor - LV. 36
Steelix - LV. 36
Bastiodon - LV. 39
I have the walkthrough for the whole game - I don't want to miss out on all the gifts and stuff, lol I'm such a cheater :D
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Randomness of the Random Moment of the Random...ah, forget it!
Me: So I just finished watching episode 6 of Bleach on youtube! I liked that episode! ^^'
BJ: Bleach...?
Me: I watched...I think the last bits of episode 3 on adult swim...I'm not really supposed to stay up late...
BJ: Wait...what's "Bleach"?
Me: It's a show about "Soul Reapers" and how they can see souls and reap them and bring them to the "Soul Society"...or from what I gather...Ichigo Kurosaki is the main character...
BJ: Ichigo...Kurosaki?
Me: Yeah, he's this orange haired idiot that is pretty funny...Rukia, a Soul Reaper who lost her powers, gets him pissed most of the time.
BJ: SWEET! I love seeing people get pissed off! <3
Me:...Ooookaaaaay...Anyways, you should watch it! It's on Adult Swim, late at night, or you can watch it on Youtube, like I do. Chad is my #2 favorite character so far. I think "Kisuke" is my first favorite character...I don't really know his name yet, though. But then you and I have an attitude like Tatsuki - whom I think is a tomboy, lol xD
BJ: Hmmm...sounds interesting! Maybe I'll go watch it then...
Me: Yeah, you go do that...
BJ: *goes to watch Bleach*
Rukia:...That was...a weird summary...
Ichigo: WTF?! What was this whole thing about?
Me: I dunno...
Ichigo: Then why'd you even bring it up?
Me: I guess I just thought you were too ugly not to mention! *sticks tongue out at Ichigo*
Ichigo: *tackles CJ off stage*
Me: WTH? GET OFF ME!!! *grabs desk and throws it at Ichigo*
Rukia: Alright, that's enough! *puts on special glove (forgot what it was called) and shoves us out of our bodies*
Me: Alright, that's it! You shall now feel the wrath of my huge Soul Slayer!! Rawr! *shoots soul wolf at Ichigo using the giant sword*
Ichigo: *barely dodges wolf's jaws* WTF? How can she do that?
Rukia: Some Soul Reapers have different abilities...
Rukia: *sweat drop*...I didn't know it "earlier".
Ichigo* Grrr....*is about to grab Rukia by the shoudlers*
Me: *tackles Ichigo* Leave it, bitch!
Ichigo: WTF? What did you just call me? >:(
Me: *exaggerated voice* Ooh, it's a big, meany head who's trying to rip my head off. Whatever shall I do? Hey, I know! I'll make him eat my brother's socks! *grabs a pair of dirty, gym socks and shoves them into Ichigo's mouth* TAKE THAT!!!
Ichigo: *flips over and coughs socks out of mouth* you do in your life?
Me:...Uuuh I dunno...annoy people? Tee hee! What's your point?
Ichigo: ...I hate you...
BJ: *walks in after watching the first episode of Bleach* Okay! I've come back from watching some Bleach! *heroic pose* *desk comes flying past head, then sees Ichigo and me fighting* Awww!! I wanna join! Rukia?
Rukia: *pulls glove over hand* Already thought of it!
BJ: *becomes Soul Reaper and dives in* YAY!!!
Just a random thing I just thought of at the moment, lol xD Enjoooooy...! Tell me if I have any I've ONLY WATCHED 6 EPISODES, PEOPLE c[x
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Late Father's Day Update
Okay. I just came back from feeding + watering the chickens. We had a horrible wind last night, about 1 in the morning. It knocked one of our trees down, blew the chicken house door off it's hinges (I couldn't open it - I wasn't supposed to), blew the inflatable raft we use on the pond close to my mom's plants, and it made the power go out. So I tried getting on around 7 this morning, but the computer was all funky and stuff so I shut it down.
On top of that, when I was out with the chickens, Baylee and Sisu, two of my three dogs, got in a fight like they always do. Of course Sissy is older, like 12, I think, and she couldn't really bite into Baylee's skin. But Baylee, only being about 2, ripped into Sis's (we have many nicknames for our white, plump, older dog) ear, but I didn't know it then. When I tried leading Sissie into the house, some blood had gotten on my hands so I lead her inside and left Baylee and Licorice (our only boy dog that's a mix between a black lab, chesepeake bay (sp?), german sherpherd, and I'm thinking a little bit of Saint Bernard, 'cause he's so big) outside. Those two get along great, and Licky's just a sweatheart. He tries to get along with the other dogs, but when they get angry at each other, he just looks at them with his "full of expression, beautiful, big brown eyes"...Aw, he's just adorable! x3 And if you're wondering, yes, I only say things like that about animals or my baby cousins. *shiver*
...Well, we have some of our friends from Washington over right now. They're really nice and get along with us really well - and the animals (especially the dogs) love them, lol xD
...We got A/C installed today, and I think we're also getting our carpet cleaned.
Yesterday, we had this HUGE thunder + lighting + rain storm. It didn't really last that long. We were gonna go to church, but my mom and dad left my brother and me at home. I was trying to add a post during the storm yesterday, but then this frickin' HUGE thunder boom (I dunno why I just said that...) shook the whole house - and I'm not lying! So I shut down the computer, ran to my room with the dogs (Sisu is afraid of loud noises like fireworks, thunder, guns, etc.), and we just sat down and watched TV. My bro probably didn't even wake up...that lazy butt...
But when we went to my uncle's later, we had a WHOLE bunch of fun! I drew a picture of my cousin's dog, Harley, which was a short, stubby little dog that was so adorable. We kept asking each other if it was a boy or girl, but I thought it was a girl from what I heard.
We ate a big barbecue that my uncle made. I almost didn't have enough room for the ice cream he got from Schwan's! Man...he basically lives off of that stuff! Seriously!
Then, for the last like...45 minutes, my brother and I played tag. It was one of those miraculous days that we actually get along. I was better at the game than him, because I was smart enough to hide, not just run. It took him a while to find me when I was in the grass...if only my uncle hadn't said "hotter...colder, colder...hotter, hotter...burning!"...I was angry at him when mah bro finally tagged me...
But whatever, it was fun!
And that was a *cough short cough* update of my life for the past two days or so...
Oh yeah! Did you guys have a good father's day? I hope so! Mah daddeh loved the picture I drew for him!
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