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A Big Mac Box x3
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Soggy Fish Stick :D
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Your mom!!! Meh, CJ....
Succesfully beating up some people that were teasing my friends! xD
Anime Fan Since
When I got my first manga book...I can't remember what it was called, 'cause I LOST IT!!!!
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Wolf's Rain, Ginga Densetsu Weed, Bleach
Become an awesome artist, a forensic anthropologist, learn Japanese/Chinese, and to kick as many people as I can!!!
Skateboarding, listening to music on my suhweet IPod, drawing, watching TV, playing video games, protecting my friends, kicking people!
Kicking people! <3
| Demon Wolf Koruki
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Listening to: FadeAway by CellDweller
DANG BROTHER!!!...I hate I just came upstairs and I'm like,
"I have red hair!" And I love my red hair, so don't kill me! And he's like,
"That's probably because you dyed it!" And, of course, I had dyed it in the morning...My mom helped, so yeah...
And my neighbors had just had a birthday party for their little adopted girl, so we got cake. It was an ice cream cake, so the top accidently got stuck to the top of the container.
So my brother got a knife as I was heading downstairs, and he's like,
"Don't cut yourself with this!..." and I thought, "WTF?!", so he's like..."You dress like an emo, I'll treat you like an emo!"
There was a moments silence, while I was thinking, "It's a costume, you (cuts of actual thoughts because they're too violent to be one here...)"...
So I kick him, he's scared, and I'm like, "You treat me that way, I kill you that way! *angry glare*"
Don't ask! I've just had a very busy week and I'm very tired and stressed out, and I don't need shit from him...
And if you're asking, NO, it's not my time of the month! >.< Jerks...
So, anyways, the fair went good today. I didn't place in the "Pretty Poultry" thing, (where you dress up your chicken and you dress like it too...that's why I looked emo...<=/), but they gave everyone five dollars for it...
O...M...F...G!!! The chicken races were so much fun! =3 I raced Pristine, (I came close to winning), and my dad raced Tori, and he won! Though he didn't win the championship, lol...Tori was close though! ^^'
So, was fun! ^^'
Here are some pics of me at the fair:
Me and Pristine, right before racing. I'm in the middle! ^^ (god, I'm ugly...*sighs*)

Me and Baylee, demo-ing for people. Though we didn't do that good, I was just laughing...I was tired, so please ignore the mean look on my face...I was sort of

This was taken Friday. It was when I was showing the chickens to the judge, and...I gots a blue ribbon for it! x3 I was nervous and tired, so yeah...

Random Note:
BJ, the song I was telling you about at the fair is called, "Seizure of Power", which was made by Marilyn Manson and is from the soundtrack of Resident Evil...just so you know! ^^
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