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myOtaku.com: Demon Wolf Koruki

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

...Honestly...I don't know if it's "Hiddy Ho" or "Hidy Ho"...I just did it that way because I've always thought it would be that way! D: --- Listening to: The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars Watching: Charmed (yesh, I like teh show! Deal with it! D<) Eating/Drinking: "Mug" Root Beer and I...was...eating some cookie dough I made last night, buuuuuuuuut...yeah, I got sick of it... --- Birthday Rant ------------- OMFG! I had, like, ZE BESTEST BIRFDAY EVAR!! <3 I had mah closhest friends over, BJ, Aleicia and Celina! Celina got her hair cut a LOOOOONG time ago, so it just hangs around her neck, instead of below her...bra...So we either call her Sasuke or Kel...'cause we created boy names for each other... Aleicia - Allan (says "he's" "4-yees-ol') lol Celina - Kel (has this weird misconception that "he's" Sasuke...*sees "him" running around w/ Naruto headband*...) BJ - Ben ("he's"...uh...well...I think that "he" and I are the...parents or fathers or whatever...D:) Me - Carl...(of course...-_-') We recorded 4 hours of tape with my...LOVELY GIFT FROM HEAVEN! <3...er...my, uh...camcorder...*cough*...It was so hilarious!... So...Celina and I were talking about making a couple of comics out of some funny crap that we did at the parteh... Like, the...priest...part... We also went to the dance...at our school...We all dressed up like emo people to scare our friends! xD Aleicia wore >my< Naruto headband and had make-up whiskers to look like Naruto...who she doesn't like anymore...now she's obsessed with Kiba (mostly), Shikamaru and Neji, so...yeh...But we've agreed that she can't have Shikamaru caaaaaaaaause...Temari would whoop her butt! D< But, the retarded adults at the dance kept saying "what the heck is that on your forehead? It looks stupid!", and I AM >NOT< KIDDING! It was like they all hated us... This one dude yelled at Aleicia to wash off the paint on her face, so we had one heck of a time... We barely stayed for an hour, then Celina called my mom to come and pick us up (they were spending the night) so we could go home and stir-fry stuff and stay up all night... Mah gifts: From BJ - She got me this luverly glow ball...thinger that lights up when you put it on it's stand...IT HAS LITTLE WOLFERS IN IT! *love* From Celina - Bath Soap (WTF?!) and...anime porn...Well, not really...Just an anime catalog called "Newtype" that has...bad...pictures in it...and a POSSESSED CARD!!! When you open it up, it screams, "Happy Birthday! Okay, ready? 1..2..3 *gasp* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"...we ended up shoving it under my brother's door at around...2 in the morning to scare him...It ended up getting stuck...D: And my wake up present from BJ?...A cat butt in my face...D: *hears laughter and whips around* IT'S NOT FUNNY WHEN YOU SMELL IT! D< *silence* Yes, well... ONTO MY NEXT SUBJECT! --- Sledding -------- Yesh, we went sledding on Saturday at 9 in the morning or so for a after-school activity thing...We recorded conversations in the car and our awesom sledding techniques! *took up about 2 hours of tape, or 2 cassettes worth* I got some MAJOR air and...bruised my tail-bone so it hurts...if I move too fast... And then...I shifted too quickly and ended up slipping off my sled and ramming in my left shoulder... Then, they had this really steep hill with a ton of bumps and sticks on it, so Aleicia and BJ went down it first and came back up *after a bit because it's tiring to come back up* and said they were Sannin now, so Celina and I were still "Genin", as they said...I went down it after a while of talking with BJ...So I came back up and collapsed...I WAS A SANNIN! D< But...I kinda slipped off at the end and had sticks ramming me in the butt...Ouch. Then Celina went down...didn't make it all the way...collapsed and then BJ put her in a "sled body bag"...'twas fun! x3 ...Stupid zombie wouldn't give me back my sled! D< I just kept pulling her while she lay there...*caught it on tape* So...my bruises bring me to my next subject...*long post, I know D:* --- 2 Days Off ---------- Well...now I'm listening to Wait and Bleed by Slipknot...Celina likes her metal music...D> Anyways, my arm began hurting reall bad Monday night, so my mom made me stay home Tuesday and go to the doctor's to get it checked out...I got an X-Ray...because they just wanted to make sure I hadn't broken my collar-bone...again...*broke it when I was really young* Turns out I didn't... They made me take off my bra when I was getting my X-Ray, it's all women there, though... But it felt...gross...The person postitioning me for the X-Ray kept...touching me...Not like that, but it just felt...cold... And then it doesn't help that a couple of them walked in on me when I was putting it back on...one of them just stared at me for a couple seconds as if she had been..."examining me for her own pleasure"...pft, lez... So I got outta there as fast as I could and almost started to cry because it felt so...wrong...yes, I know...cry...I've never had anything like that happen to me before...*shivers* So...that's the reason I wasn't at school yesterday... But TODAY...school was cancelled because it was too cold or we had too much snow or something...I really don't know, but I do know that I'm going to be behind in my homework for a couple of days... So...it turns out that I just have a ligament bruise of some kind, near my shoulder...I'm going to have to sit out for push-ups in Gym...they make us do about 20 at the beginning of class and 10 at the end... ...Now to the NEXT...and hopefully LAST section... --- Anime Plans ----------- Now I'm listening to Monster by Meg & Dia FMA...one of the best shows EVER created! D: I've gotten totally obsessed about it for now... I've been working on my character for about a couple weeks now... She's 2 years younger than Ed, 1 year younger than Al...I really don't know who I like more...Ed or Al...I'm going more towards Al, though... Anyways, her neighbor (BJ's OC) is the same age as her...they call each other "sister", and her neighbor's family lives with her in her mansion...Yes, mansion... My FMA OC's name is Naomi Desano...she's awesome... She lives in Central, because her father was in the military and that was the easiest way for him to go to work because he was currently stationed there... So, her father (let's call him Mr. Desano because I don't have a first name for him...suggestions would be great! :D) had Roy Mustang working under him...yah...and he was good friends with Maes... So my OC has known them since she was really, REALLY young...So she knows them really well! xD Anyways, she's the opposite of Ed...she's touchy about her...tall height... She's like Winry...runs a small automail shop...loves to take things apart and build them differently... She ALSO loves her guns, like Reza... She LOVES her dogs!... More to come...because this is too long already...*nervous laugh* Aw...thanks to anyone who's read this far...I've also been on here for over a year! Yah! So...sorry for the recent abandonment...D: I'm bad like that... STUPIDMOTHERFREAKING CAT WON'T STOP TRYING TO GET IN THE GARBAGE CAN AND THE IDIOTICLYRETARDED BIRDS WON'T STOP RAMMING INTO THE WINDOW! D< ... That is all...

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