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myOtaku.com: demona6667

Friday, April 22, 2005

   4/22/05 - STAR Testing
At my school for the past week, and for a couple more days next week, "STAR" testing has been going on at my school. From what I hear from my online friends, is that they've had them sometime this month as well. But since I'm a senior, I didn't have to take them! =^_^= All the seniors got to come to school late! Like two hours after the time school normally starts. It was nice. Wish school started at ten A.M. every school day and end at the regular time still with the thirty minute classes. -nods- Now that'd be nice. Be able to sleep in longer for once.

Anyway, school computers have been crappy for the past month or so. The internet was being stubborn due to some new server the school got for my class. It wouldn't let you go to a lot of sites. It was annoying, couldn't even look up something for a research paper. But it seems to be working a lot better now so I'll be able to post again regularly! =^_^= And I get to bore you to death once more!! xD -woot-


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