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the demon world with my king
Member Since
running into things(mostliy walls) i'm sucking the blood of the loser not strong enogh to stop me!
Real Name
i got my king of demons,and killed many people
Anime Fan Since
the begining of the year 2000
Favorite Anime
be a vet,get rid of my stipidity
reading,and drawing,talking to peoplez
swimming,drawing,and singing 
Friday, December 14, 2007
my famase last words
"goodbye, i'm leaveing becase i'm bored" what the hell?!?!i whould say that cuz i'm coldhearted!
...::About Me::...<3 | Full Name: | Elizabeth | Eye Color: | brown | Hair Color: | black,bright red | Height: | 5 | Shoe Size: | 7 1/2 to 8 | Ring Size: | idk O_o | Heritage: | idk | Graduating Year: | 1012 | Birthdate: | 6/6/94 | Zodiac Sign: | gemini | ...::Firsts::...<3 | Concert: | my cemical romance | Best Friend: | mystic | Crush: | idk | Pet: | fish | Sport: | soccer | ...::Have You Ever::...<3 | Sky Dived: | no | Bungee Jumped: | no | Gone out of the Country: | no not yet | Beaten Someone Up: | yes | Gotten Beat Up: | no | Killed an Animal: | no | Swam in the Ocean: | yes | Broke the Law: | yes | Smoked: | no | Chewed Tobacco: | no | Drank: | just tiny sips | Been Kissed: | ^///^ maybe | Been In Love: | yes | Dumped Someone: | yes | Been Dumped: | no | Broken Someone's heart: | yes | Had Your Heart Broken: | yes | Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: | yes | Broken A Bone: | no | Had Surgery: | no | Had an X-ray or MRI: | yes | Failed a Class: | YES | ...::Favorites::...<3 | Color: | black | Food: | idk | Drink: | coke idk | Snack: | idk | Cereal: | idk | Ice Cream: | strawberry | Candy: | lollypops | Restaurant: | idk | Fast Food Place: | idk | Store: | wal-mart | Animal: | snake | Quote: | kill all ur friends | Sport To Play: | tennis | Sport To Watch: | baseball | Movie: | lord of the rings | TV Show: | idk reba | Type Of Music: | metal, rock | Band: | my cemical romance/skillet | Singer: | garad way | Song: | final distace | ...::This//Or//That::...<3 | Pepsi or Coke: | coke | Vanilla or Chocolate: | vanilla | Cake or Ice Cream: | cake | McDonalds or Burger King: | mcdonalds | Love or Money: | love (I think) | Music or TV: | music | Cat or Dog: | dog | Mom or Dad: | nether | Truck or Car: | car | Ocean or Lake: | ocean | Yahoo or Hotmail: | yahoo | Google or AJ: | google | Light or Dark: | dark | Country or City: | city | Rain or Sunshine: | rain | ...::The Opposite Sex::...<3 | First Thing You Notice: | face | Personality or Looks: | personality | Hair Color: | idk | Eye Color: | idk | Short or Tall: | tall | Romanic or Spontaneous: | spontaneous | Sense of Humor or Sweet: | sweet | Hook up or Relationship: | relationship | ...::Currently::...<3 | Feeling: | emoish | Listening To: | utada hikaru | Wanna: | idk | Doing Besides Typing: | talking to people | Thinking About: | someone | Wearing: | my school uniform | In Love: | ...^//^ | Single: | .......^////^ | Best Friends: | jorge,alex,francis | ...::The Future::...<3 | Career: | vet | Marriage: | .....sure | Kids: | 3 to 4 i guess |
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