Birthday 1989-04-28 Gender
Male Location In the desert of the real... Member Since 2004-04-29 Occupation Assasin for hire
Achievements Gotten hit by 3 cars, including one parked car, lol. Anime Fan Since Some time ago... Favorite Anime One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, Macross Zero Goals To be able to draw really well (to my standards, which are really high), in a reasonalbe amount of time. Hobbies Collecting Anime/manga, and if it's good enough, most of it's products *coughfullmetalalchemistcough* Talents My body can take alot of physical damage. demonboy
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Otherwise, today was pretty boring, go to school, learn a bunch of crap that you don't really want to learn, eat lunch, learn more crap, go home and veg until my brain goes dead, the usual...
I've got a paper to work on that's due tomorrow, so I'll be up late, if anyone cares...
Tomorrow will probably be another uneventful day, so I won't promise much, but there is this really funny flash that was just put up on ebaums world, if I have nothing else, I'll post that...
Today I only got 4 hours of sleep, and yet I was more awake than in 4 years.
I also created another wallpaper, for those who have seen my previous FMA wallpaper, it is the background, but please download it from theOtaku, I would like to get download hits too, but anyways, this time it is still FMA related, but this time it's all about our fav. character...
So check it out when it is uploaded, if it doesn't get accepted, which it probably will anyways, I will put a link to it...
Other than that, future events include the anticipation of next summers sequel to the Fullmetal Alchemist series, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie
The movie takes place approx. 2 years after the end of the series, looks promising, I will post the trailer tomorrow...
That's right, now this time It's Good To Be In D.C.
I is feeling sad and lonely because no one has been commenting on hardly any of my recent posts, mabey that has something to do with me not commenting until about 4:30 P.M. Central time, but I promise this week I'll post and comment every day and if by the end of the week, no one is still around I might just curl up and die...
I am making this post as a tribute to Rodney Dangerfield who is probably up in heaven saying how either the vice-presidential debates bored him to death or how the intimidating VP Dick Cheney gave him a heart attack.
Rodney probably wants us to keep laughing in spite of his death so I decided to make a tribute joke, not to offend, I'm sure Rodney would laugh...
Hey, I tell ya, I coulda either gone to heaven or hell, but I ended up in heaven because they kicked me outta hell for bein' too ugly.
They said I was makin' em lose buisness. I don't get no respect, even in hell...
Here's one of the great comedian's works...
It's not easy bein' me, when I was born the doctor told my mother, "I've done all I could" but he'd pull through anyway.
And that's what I've told him today, I've got the wrong doctor, I told him I want a vasectomy, he said with a face like mine I don't need one.
Are you kiddin' I know I'm ugly, my mother breast fed me through a straw, are you kiddin' the hooker told me, "Not on the first date", I'm ugly I'm tellin' ya, and my proctologist he stuck his finger in my mouth!
Thanks for bein here Rodney
Other than that, my week has gone pretty good, last night I played Catpure the Flag, underclassmen vs. Seniors, the seniors, however outnumbered all the underclassmen...
It's tuesday, sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's homecoming week here and I had drivers ed yesterday, but not much has happened since Friday night.
First, on Sunday I downloaded episode 51 of FMA, but since it hasn't been translated yet, I watched the RAW, I knew most of what they were saying, I also dowloaded the RAW because then I could learn what they were saying without the english connection, because english and japanese are two completely different languages. I thought the ending was a little sappy, but overall was quite good, it did what an ending was supposed to do, end the series.
Also FMA related, Fullmetal Alchemist is going to become a movie set for two years after the series ended. Hopefully it will be as cool as the series. I also hope they have relitively the same voices and animation style. The movie is set to be released next summer.
On saturday I had a sleepover with a friend and we watched several anime including shows on Adult Swim like Cowboy Bebop; Wolfs Rain; and Inuyasha. Earlier we watched shows like YuYu Hakusho; Gundam Seed; and Rave Master, I thought they were all good, including first time viewings of Gundam Seed, and Rave Master. After the first time through Adult Swim we watched FMA, which my friend first viewed from me and decided he liked it.
On sunday I went home and watched Naruto, went to my moms and watched the third star wars movie, I liked the DVD versions except the parts they re-shot to coordinate with the new films they are releasing, some things they did to butcher the DVDs were re-shoot the sequence in Empire where Vader is talking to the Emperor, and in Return where they super-imposed Hayden Christensen(New Anakin) over Sebastian Shaw(Person who played Anakin origionally and is in the Vader suit at the end with the mask off)
REVIEW: I rate the DVD films a 4/5 because of the changes. But the films were in excelent quality.
Well, today was far from the usual, today at lunch I participated in the car-bash, it's basically a fundraiser to help MDA, you take a sledge hammer or a bat and for $1 you get to hit the car 3 times, $2 and you get to take out a light, and $5 you get to take out a window...
After that, in study hall I played yuker with some people I know, and after that we launched model rockets in electronics...
After school I went home and watched TV for a few hours, came on the computer and watched some new Naruto that I dowloaded. Also I would like to remind, again, that tomorrow marks the end of the Fullmetal Alchemist series, I just hope it doesn't have a sappy ending.
That's all for today, so I leave you with a blonde joke...
(no offense to blondes, or texans by this joke, I just thought it was funny, that's all)
Two blondes living in Texas were sitting on a bench talking and the one blonde says to the other. "What do you think is farther, Florida or the moon? " The other blonde turns and says "Helloooooooooooooooooooo.... can you see Florida?"
Today I broke the 500 pop. mark, but only had 2 comments, and tomorrow, Saturday October 2, 2004, in Japan marks the end of the Fullmetal Alchemist series, as I've stated so many times. As you see, today is the first of October, meaning I have 28 days until I get my permit...
Ok, away from that, no one has heard of the RPG Mike The Pizza Guy, because one of my friends created it the other week and is extremely unknown amongst people here, aside from that, theOtaku surprisingly released Version Redefined yesterday. It is very good looking and I compliment all the designers, and programmers of theOtaku Version: Redefined.
This ad has been bothering me lately
Okay, "Ed from Georgia won a free Laptop"
Now tell me, did Ed change his name to Tobey Maguire and move to Hollywood, or am I just crazy?
Tonight I watched the presidential debates and I say surprisingly I agreed with "Dubya" on one statement, and only one statement. Otherwise it seemed like the candidate who I think one this debate would have to be...
John Kerry
If you watched the presidential debates, who do you think one?
Other than this I hope you all find Friday to be an enjoyable one...
Well, today I spent a while on catching up on my gb entries, and doing a bunch of other shit as well, but overall I had a pretty good day...
Just out of curiosity, how many people actually downloaded Mike The Pizza Guy yesterday, because if you didn't, you're missing out on a pretty fun, but pointless RPG, it has humor, fantasy, and a bad guy, what else more is there?
Only a few days left until the final Fullmetal Alchemist episode is released in Japan, and then a few days later, it will appear on torrent, so I can't wait.
For the past few days I've bordered on passing the 500 mark on the popularity scale, and sofar I've ended up with 501, and am currently at 502, which sucks.
EDIT: Today marks the launch of theOtaku Version Redefined, It looks really nice so you should all check it out, also, none of you probably heard of the RPG Mike the Pizza Guy, because one of my friends made it probably a few weeks ago, it's really short and pointless, but really fun.
I'm going to rant and you motherfuckers are going to enjoy it!
Well, since I have joined myO, I have gotten over 123 gb entries, except recently some fucker has been deleting them, so whoever you are stop this before things get serious...
On a lighter note, today went fairly well, I got to play an RPG made by one of my friends, check out his site The Mildly Disturbing Zone and download the game The Adventures Of Mike The Pizza Guy it's really fun...
Other than that, most of the stuff is at his site to play the game, you will need to save these files if you are to play the game.
Other than that, I had an OK day, hope to see more comments today than yesterday, with just 5...