Well, today I spent a while on catching up on my gb entries, and doing a bunch of other shit as well, but overall I had a pretty good day...
Just out of curiosity, how many people actually downloaded Mike The Pizza Guy yesterday, because if you didn't, you're missing out on a pretty fun, but pointless RPG, it has humor, fantasy, and a bad guy, what else more is there?
Only a few days left until the final Fullmetal Alchemist episode is released in Japan, and then a few days later, it will appear on torrent, so I can't wait.
For the past few days I've bordered on passing the 500 mark on the popularity scale, and sofar I've ended up with 501, and am currently at 502, which sucks.
EDIT: Today marks the launch of theOtaku Version Redefined, It looks really nice so you should all check it out, also, none of you probably heard of the RPG Mike the Pizza Guy, because one of my friends made it probably a few weeks ago, it's really short and pointless, but really fun. |