Yeah, that was Wednesday, I haven't posted in like a week, but G-dub Bush was re-elected, but I am hearing that the exit polls in some places with electronic voting machines at ohio precincts gave exit polls way higher than there were voters that could even vote in the area...
Other than that FMA made it's TV debeu last night, I couldn't watch it because I, unfortunately, don't have cable TV, but of the clips I did see, they now, in my mind, not only fuck up the logo, but they completely fucked up the voices, I would recommend just watching the fansubed episodes...
My week other than that was pretty eventful also, on wednesday and thursday I had testing that measures my academic progress, doesn't affect my grades at all, but I was required to take them...
On saturday, I pretty much watched FMA all day and then watched some InuYasha...
Other than that my week was pretty boring, but look forward to the weeks to come. It's going to be christmas soon, and I will put up a new song, this one will be good, it relates to the winter, but I probably won't put it up until, thanksgiving.
That pretty much wraps up my week.
EDIT: This is a new Time magazine cover for next week...

Yup, for 4 more years...