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• demonchild140
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• demonboy
• 1989-04-28
• In the desert of the real...
Member Since
• 2004-04-29
• Assasin for hire
• Gotten hit by 3 cars, including one parked car, lol.
Anime Fan Since
• Some time ago...
Favorite Anime
• One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, Macross Zero
• To be able to draw really well (to my standards, which are really high), in a reasonalbe amount of time.
• Collecting Anime/manga, and if it's good enough, most of it's products *coughfullmetalalchemistcough*
• My body can take alot of physical damage.
Wednesday, February 1, 2006
A whole lot of nothing.
Well, finally Wednesday. This week has gone slow. However, I did manage to do some things.
Firstly, the Marines sent me a damn package that I didn't want, so I forwarded it to the trash, it just seemed more interested.
Second, my Xbox is officially dead, it won't work, no matter what. I shorted something earlier while trying to figure out why power wasn't getting to the Hard Drive, and it shorted something. So it doesn't work.
Third, I'm going to have my friend come over with his Xbox 360 tomorrow so I can record him playing, so he can post it on the 0kinawa site and remain a member. I'm also going to get this opportunity to show my dad how amazing the Xbox 360 is, and try to convince him to get it for me for my birthday.
Fouthly, I've clearly added a song to my playlist. I set it to play automatically so you all could hear it. I hope you find it as disturbinly good as I do.
Well, that's about all I have to post on. I'll switch back to random songs in 3 days, even if I don't post. So if you really hate this song and want it to back to random start up, then all you have to do is wait 3 days. Okay? Have a great day! |
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