Well, not much to update on again, but today is finally Friday. Dub Piece episode 2 has a chance to be released today sometime, can't wait for that. If you haven't seen it yet, they're done by Sanjiscool and a couple of his friends. They're on YouTube, but I'm too lazy to pull the links right now.
Anyways, as mentioned, it's Friday. I want to bring a random object to school, but can't think of anything good. Someone I know suggested a life-sized paper cut-out of someone. But unfortunately I don't have a life-sized paper cut-out of David Hasslehoff, so I can't do that one. I'm probably going to end up bringing my giant crayon. It's the only thing I can come up with on short hand that is mildly entertaining.
I tried to update my music thingey with more music, but freewebs threw up and rejected my songs because I was apparantly using too much space (even though yesterday I was using alot more...) Colors haven't been updated on my site yet because of problems getting the web code for the colors. I used to use Photoshop, but my trial recently expired, but I'm trying to find a reliable cracker for it. Let's hope.
No progress on the Afro Luffy picture, I really want to do that too. Maybe later tonight after my computer is shut down I'll do some work.
Ok, now onto questions. What? Only one? Come on guys, you can do better. Ask more questions. The random comments were interesting though!
Answering this truthfully, no. I wish I was a psychic, because then I'd know what people thought, and that would help in my plans for world domination! Mua ha ha ha ha ha. Seriously, I'd rather be telekenetic (having the ability to move things with my mind)
Ask more questions people! One is like the bottom of the bottom! One more than NOTHING! Of all the whole integers between 0 and infinity, I had to get the one closest to ZERO?! Next time, aim for close to infinity.
Wow, this short little update sure lasted alot longer than I expected. Hmm, well, have a good day everyone! |