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In the desert of the real...
Member Since
Assasin for hire
Gotten hit by 3 cars, including one parked car, lol.
Anime Fan Since
Some time ago...
Favorite Anime
One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, Macross Zero
To be able to draw really well (to my standards, which are really high), in a reasonalbe amount of time.
Collecting Anime/manga, and if it's good enough, most of it's products *coughfullmetalalchemistcough*
My body can take alot of physical damage.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/19/04:
Toshiro, I like that name...
Result Posted on 07/17/04:
Very good description of me.
I would recomened this quiz.
 You are a gold dragon. You are neutral to alegory, varying from good and evil. You seek what would aid you the best. You are very smart and dwell among many of your kind. You are very social. |
Result Posted on 06/24/04:
I re-edited some parts to make it fit me more
How to make a demonboy |
5 parts intelligence
1 part ambition
5 parts energy
3 parts anger |
Method: Anger at a high speed for 20 minutes. Top it off with a punch and enjoy your death! |
Result Posted on 06/20/04:
Sean Connery is THE origional Bond, he is the best, no doubts about that
Result Posted on 06/20/04:
uhh... unsruprised?
Have you ever hit someone forcefully?: | yes | Have you ever thrown anything at a moving car?: | myself | Have you ever been in a fist fight?: | kung fu, yes *sings kung fu song* | Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?: | yes | Have you ever hit an animal on the road?: | no | Have you ever seen a Beatles film?: | yes (yellow submarine) | Have you ever cussed?: | yes (all) | Have you ever been on a subway?: | yes | Have you ever taught a little kid to cuss?: | no (it is bad to teach, they must learn it for themselvs) | Have you ever cheated on a test/exam?: | yes | Have you ever skipped school?: | partially | Have you ever egged someones house?: | no | Have you ever gotten a computer virus?: | yes, and it is stalking me | Have you ever cried for no reason at all?: | no (cry??? what is this crying???) | Have you ever missed someone?: | no | Have You Ever? brought to you by BZOINK! |
Result Posted on 06/20/04:
(sarcasticly) gee, what a surprise
Result Posted on 06/17/04:
My GOD it's good...
Result Posted on 06/05/04:
In the immortal words of Frank Barone (Everybody Loves Raymond) HOLY CRAP!!!
To the crazy statement
Result Posted on 06/05/04:
 Your twisted mind has you trying to stop the one who has been destined to bring an end to your evil feel as though your life has been shattered and now you must fade away and become something great, to stop the one who shattered all your hopes...but instead you turned out to be the one who is evil...You don't really have anyone that is beside you, which makes you feel alone at times, wishing you could have been something more...
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/01/04:
Gundam Wing was an awsome show, at least as far as I can remember
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