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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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4evacrazi (08/09/07)

Hello! i really like your site! \(^3^)/ messege me wenever ok? i hope to be friends! bye bye!!


Neko.Lover (07/26/07)

OMG your page is sooo cool! I really like it! Well, I added you as a friend, I hope you don't mind! Anyways, ttyl! ^o^

Shadrougeforever (07/25/07)

hey awesome site ^^ i love the color. i hope u don't mind me addin' u and i hope i'll see u around sometime. feel free to PM me alright

Hiko (06/25/07)


i really like your site its very cool smooth but cool ^^

it seems that your really cool too lol well i shouldnt judge on peoples sites though your site is cool but the site doesnt always match the person you konw?

well dont you hate it when people sign with something small and not something like mine ^___^ *does victory dance* ......*ahem* sorry about that XD i can get carried away ...cant you tell because sometimes its just sooooo important or not important and i must speek my mind about somethings XD .....-_-...did you understand all of that? because i didnt XDDD

well i shall hope to hear from ...read from you ^^

Space Chicken (06/10/07)

Oh its perfectly ok yay thank you! I like the dreden files ive only seen it once or twice but it seems really good^_^ Well im gonna add you too hooray! ttys!

BlackdragonPro (05/25/07)

hey nice site so u've got a long list of fav anime me too hope we can be friends peace out

Magnus Lensherr (05/25/07)


NMeat site yoou have here i love what you have done with it! The black and red makes a really fantastic theme! ive never seen Dresdon Files but it always looked good! It was on cable so i couldnt watch it ~ Curses ~

I liek your achievement! lest hope it stays that way for a very longtime, i dont think there is any anime in prison lol!

Well i wish you the best of luck with your site and your life and ill see you around!

When The End Comes Will You Be Ready?

edogirl7 (04/20/07)

hiya cool site! ur part of a pack? so am i! pm me sometime

tetsaigasowner (03/21/07)

ooooo! nice site. yeah for bounty hunting. i saw domino that was an awesome movie. my favorite part was where she was swinging the nunchucks all around and kicking peoples asses. addin u as a friend if dat kool. later.

Soshi Nida (03/13/07)

Hi Demon! this is luna and kasai's wolf pack site. we're signing your guestbook to let u know that your a member. *howls*

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