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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rest in Peace Pixie
My friend's cat Pixie just died 2day*sobs*Pixie was older than both of us so we've known her our whole lives.She was 16 or 17 I'm not sure.She died of old age thankfully.There is a picture of her and my friend below.We all will miss you Pixie!

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Saturday, December 2, 2006

Yep that's right I'm going to the Phoenix Anime Festival 2day with Luny and it's gonna be awesome!We went yesterday to get the membership badges becuz we didn't pre-register cuz we were 2 lazy(hehe!)We couldn't find the hotel it was at becuz the directions I got were fucking written by a retard who doesn't know where anything is.But when we did find it there was so many cosplayers!We saw all sorts of different characters!It was awesome!Me and Luny are gonna dress up 2.She is going to be Edward(FMA) and I'm just gonna be a random Mist Village ninja(not anyone from Naruto).Well hope everyone elses weekend is just as awesome!
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Friday, November 24, 2006

Hi peoples!Sorry I haven't posted in like forever!I've been busy and everything.Oh and don't mind the title it's totally random -_-

Ok so I'm just gonna post a brief update about me cuz I know u guys don't want 2 read alot about crap that has nothing 2 do with u.Well on Sunday I got my tattoo and it hurt like hell!Before u all ask what does it look like it's a wolf's paw print with a wolf's face in it.And remember I'm only 14 and have a tattoo.Not many 14 year olds have tattoos but I aim to be different^^ Also I'm gonna buy my Nintendo DS this weekend so that's cool.And finally my sister,brother-in-law,niece,and nephew came 4 Thxgiving and I don't do well with little kids so it was weird.I was planning on playing sick 2 get away from my family but it turns out I really AM sick!
Now I am leaving u all with a short poem so tell me if it sucks or not.Be honest!

You can wake a sleeping dog
with intentions as clear as fog
but don't dare
at a sleeping wolf
the moon will rise
before your eyes
for it will bite
with all it's might
and blood will surely flow

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Saturday, November 4, 2006

My PokePet
In Crystal Version I had a level 100 Typhlosion that I raised from a cyndaquil and got it at that high a level JUST by battling.Then I had to be a retard and start the game over and lost my Baka(sobs)Ne ways those jerks won't let u have lv100 pokemon so that's why it's lv99.

Demon's PokéPet

Baka the level 99 Typhlosion!

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween everyone!Go get a shit load of CANDY!!!I know I am.Halloween is the best holiday ever!I love Halloween^_^

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

Apple of ur eye with a rotten core inside
Sorry I haven't posted in forever.Skool and other things had me occupied.And the title is really random,it's a Breaking Benjamin song lyric.
I don't know if I'm going to get Betty(we thought her name was Suzzy but it's Betty)Dani and Holly brought her over and evaluated if she got along with my dog Tank.Tank really likes her but she has some issues.She is really shy and gets agressive towards Tank when around people.We thought the meeting went well but a few days later Dani said they might give her to some nurse with little kids.But she isn't mine or Dani's dog so we have no say in it.
Ne ways today me and Luny are going to a booksale and then to a birthday party and then to the homecoming dance at our skool.I personalty hate dances or any really crowded place cuz I get a bit violent.But Luny really wanted me to come so I am.I've never been to a dance at our new high skool so hell it might be fun.
My dog is obsessed with my pet rat.He doesn't care about any other pet I have but the rat he will stare at all day long.Lol he is such a weird dog.
Well I hope everyone has a kickass Saturday!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Suzy is a pretty female dog I really want!See I was hanging out with Holly and Danielle in Holly's backyard and I said I want 2 get a friend 4 my dog Tank.Dani said that her aunt has a dog that was depressed becuz her buddy died and howls every night and needs a new home.Both me and Holly said we might take her.So we went 2 Dani's aunt's house and saw this beautiful long haired yellow dog.She is supposed be be a german sheperd mix but my best desciption 4 her is a small blonde wolf.And she has a very cute howl!I wanna beg my mom and dad 4 her.I almost possitive my mom would say yes but my dad I don't know about.I really want her!
Also I submitted 2 pics so check them out when u get a chance.And I'm working on MidnightMonica's b-day pic.Sorry it's taking so long!

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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Skating again
Yeah its the first day of Fall Break and I go 2 the skatepark.And we are going there again on Friday.I spent like half my life there lol.
but ne ways we went 2 Tempe skatepark so it was a 3 hour bus ride there and back.It was really fun and Jay and Tevye took ice cold water and poured it on me and Jessie.So I hit them with a branch from a tree.Jeremy kept talking and everyone was constantly telling him to shut up.Lawrence was the only one in the skatepark while we were all sitting on the sidewalk in a circle goofing around.
Oh and a couple days ago my dog Tank hurt himself and totally stressed me out.The crazy creature ran into the edge of a steel beam in the backyard.And then later that day he starts running around the beams again and almost runs into one.So I have to grab him and wait for him to calm down.But becuz he is part Sharpei it only opened his loose skin so the gash wasn't gushing blood or anything.Everyone was mostly concerned about him getting sick or the cut getting infected.A dog next door died of Parvo, a deadly and very contagious dog disease, and so the neighbors are trying 2 make sure no one else gets it.So we were mostly trying to kept the wound clean and not reopening.

So how are u all doing?

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Saturday, October 7, 2006

Cleaning sucks!
I have 2 clean my room 2day but I'm being a slacker and decided 2 go on the internet^^.But I have done some stuff so HAH!I cleaned YoYo's cage(he is my pet rat) and I got all the junk out from under my bed.Tonight anime is on!Naruto!Bleach!Trinity Blood!Eureaka 7!I just remembered that.
I have a whole week off from skool!Wooooo!But I have no idea what I'm gonna do for a week.
And now I'm home alone again.Well I'm gonna leave u all with an awesome WR video^^

Get this video and more at MySpace.com

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Thursday, October 5, 2006

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.My laptop is screwed up and the main computer is so slow it is annoying to use.but anyways it was my dog's b-day yesterday.His name is Tank and we took him to Petco and let him pick out a new toy^_^ he just turned 2.
And becuz my laptop doesn't work I have to find a new way 2 upload pics.So I will get new pics and pics for people up as soon as possible.L8ers!

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