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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Koji's story
I haven't posted anything in a while, so I decided to post Koji's story ^_^

chapter 1:Moon Dog

The city lights shinned brightly against the dark of the night.Koji looked down at the city from the edge of the surrounding forest.He didn't know it,but it knew him.Or knew his parents to be exact.That city was the birthplce and hometown of his mother.His mother had been the most beautiful dog in all the city.But when she met a scruffy,gold-eyed moon wolf,that title meant nothing.Now the city scorns her and her wild mate.
Koji sighed heavily and trotted into the city.There was still some light on the horizen so many humans were still on the streets.Koji ducked down a dark alley,not trying to draw any unwanted attention.Even though he had never been here before,Koji was quite relaxed in the unfamilar suroundings.So relaxed that he didn't notice the creature watching him from a trash can.When he was right next to the trash can the creature popped its head up and barked.Koji yelped and jumped back,ready to attck.The creature,now identified as a sand colored dog,chuckled"Sorry,didn't mean to scare ya"

"I wasn't scared,I was surprised" Koji shot back.
"Sure ok,sorry I suprised ya" the dog replied cheerfully.Koji didn't quite no what to make of this dog but didn't want to cause any trouble.He was getting ready to move on when a couple of dogs came running by.One of them stopped and hollered down the alley"hey Rent!come on man!".The sand colored dog tried to jump out of the trash can but toppled it over in the process.He quickly regained himself,shook off the garbage,and ran to catch up with the other dogs.
Koji just sat there,trying to comprehend the things going on around him."Rent?What kind of name is Rent?"

Koji had decided to ignore his common sense and had followed Rent to the top of an abondoned building.He watched the dogs with curiousity from behind a dead air cooler.Not too much time had placed when a large blue-grey mastiff barked for the dogs to shut up."Tonight will be the night we widden our territory!"he announced,"We will destroy the Willow Park Pack!" All the dogs howled in approval,all except the dog Rent."But isn't our territory big enough,"he said,"And the Willow Park Pack has never done anything to us."
The mastiff growled and leaped on top of Rent.Rent whinned and tried to make himself smaller under the massive beast.Koji gasped and knew he had to do something.
"Hey!"came a shout from by the air cooler.All eyes were now fixed on Koji."aww crap",Koji said under his breath."Well,well,what do we have here?"the mastiff questioned as he circled Koji."I don't really like eavesdropers".

"I'm surprised you can even know what an eavesdroper is" Koji mocked.

"Why you!"the mastiff snarled and lifted a paw to strike."Hey hey,easy big dog"Koji joked,"I just want to know what a moon dog has to do to join this merry little pack of yours?"

"Kick his ass Boss!"a dog shouted.Other dogs barked in agreement.Boss let out a tremendous bark to silence them.

"So your a moon dog,eh?Well I got a special inissiation test for you then"Boss said with a devious smirk.

"Sounds like fun,can't wait"Koji said sarcasticly.

The pack of probably forty or more dogs traveled through the city in a huge crowd.Koji was confined between two pitbulls,a boxer,and a bulldog.During the cozzy walk,Rent came up and whispered 'thank you' to Koji.Koji just smiled and winked.Rent smiled back and merged back into the mass of canines.Soon they reached the egde of a forest wehich appeared to be cut off from the rest of the forest.All the dogs,except Boss, backed away whimpering.

"Well?Get stepping moon dog"Boss ordered."This is my test?" Koji questioned.

"Afraid half-breed?"Boss mocked,"All you have to do is past through this forest.There will be a dog waiting for you on the other side.Come out in one piece and and your in.
Koji could hear some dogs snickering and others whimpering.What was so scary about this place?

Koji sighed"The things I do for acceptence" He started walking into the forest,whispering to himself 'Dumbass mutts,I grew up in a forest.This is gonna be a piece of cake.'

first chapter finished!^_^I will post chapter two soon!

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