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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Koji's story
Here is chapter 2 ^ ^ pm me if u have questoins :)

Chapter 2:Forest of Doom?

It had been less than ten minutes since Koji was assigned his test and he was already bored."This is stupid.That mastiff must have mush for brains."He kept moving along on the possibily only path in the forest.The scenery was the same as in any other forest-trees,plants,insects,small animals,etc.After more walking Koji layed down on the roots of a large tree.He rested his head on his large wolfish paws and sighed.The silvery moonlight danced on his crimson fur.Koji's eyes had just began to droop when a scent jolted him alert.He stood up slowly and narrowed his golden eyes.He strained his eyes for another hint.There!Behind him to the right.Nothing,Koji inhaled deeply"I thought so-wolves.And two of them."he assured himself.He walked slowly down the path,his eyes scanning the underbrush.

"Well this is as interesting as watching grass grow"a speckled wolf called from behind Koji.The spotted wolf next to him was grinning widely despite the fact that Koji's tail in his mouth.

Koji yanked his tail from the spotted wolf's mouth and shook the saliva from it."How come i didn't-"

"Notice us?"the speckled wolf finished."We've layered our scent countless times in our territory.You wouldn't notice us right under your nose if you didn't have eyes."
"So what are you gonna do with me?"Koji questioned."I don't know.What can we do borther?"the spotted wolf asked the speckled wolf.

"Nothing"came a deep voice from somewhere.All three canines looked up to see a dark green wolf in a low branch of a large oak tree.He leaped gracefully down to them."What we do with him is my decision"the green wolf continued with a smile that sent a chill down Koji's spine.

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