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Monday, July 3, 2006

Koji's story
I'm back from Cali. ^_^ and thought it was time to post chapter 3.So here it is.

any questions just ask ^_^

Chapter 3:Bait

"It's your call wolfie" Koji taunted."What you gonna do?"

The green wolf laughed"What's your name,kid?" Koji tilted his head "What?!" "I said what's your name?"the green wolf repeated,a little more serious now.
"Um...Koji" Koji said quite confused."Pleasure to meet you Koji.I'm Moss and those two over there are Shout and Whisper"Moss motioned towards the spotted and speckled wolves.
Koji was now on the brink of annoyance."If you guys are gonna try to kill me can you just go for it" All three wolves laughed loudily"We ain't gonna kill ya half-breed"Shout said through his laughs.

"We only put up that appearence to keep those dogs out of our forest"Whisper explained.Moss approched Koji"We actually need your help"he said"We need you do a little job for us.Take over Whisper."

"You see" Whisper began."We are not the only predators in this forest.There is also a pair of female cougars that are quite a nuisance.All we need you to do is distract them long enough for us to attack"

"So your're saying you want me to be bait"
"Even though your only half moon wolf you can still take on a human form,right?"Moss commented
"Yeah"Koji anwsered.He thought about it for a minute."Okay I'm in."

Koji stared at the rock den.Whisper's directions were right on target.He saw two tan cougars talking and laughing in the entrance.Koji didn't move an inch until he saw Shout's tail waving around from behind a bush-the signal.Then he backed off a couple feet and closed his eyes.Koji concentrated hard on his human form.Imediately he was engulfed in the cold white flames,the trademark of the moon wolves.The flames quickly disappeared and amerged a teenaged boy.His crimson hair was a mess and he wore a red unbottoned shirt with a white undershirt underneath.He also wore baggy red pants.

The now human Koji came out of the brush,in plain view of th cougars,and shouted"Hey you ugly cows!Bet you can't even catch a weak little human!"
The cougars roared"Your going to pay for that comment mortal.Let's get him sister!"one of them shouted.They charged at Koji.He leaped over them effortlessly."Is that all you got?"he teased.The cougars swerved around."Bastard"they both growled.They charged at Koji once more.He began to move back when his shoe caught on something and he went down hard on his butt.'Awww crap!'Koji said in his head,unable to get his mouth to work.

A dark flash plowed into one of the cats right before they reached Koji.Two more flashes attacked the other cougar.Koji let out a large sigh.Moss was on the back of the smaller cougar.She roared and rolled over in an attempted to crush Moss.Instead it gave Moss an opportunity to reach her neck.He clamp down hard and ripped outward.The big cat went limp and ceased breathing.Moss spat out the cougar's blood and glanced over at Shout and Whisper.
They seemed to be having trouble bringing the larger of the cougars down.Shout was hanging onto her back while Whisper had a hold of her mouth.She thrashed violently,trying to rid herself of the wolves.Moss ducked low and shot up at her front leg.He bit down oon the top of her right leg and shook wildly.The big cat screamed in pain and collasped.Blood rushed from the wound as the animal slowly bled to death.Koji stared in astonishmant.Moss faced him"Thank you Koji.You have my permission to pass through this forest"

"Thanks"Koji said.He got up and headed back towards the path after saying goodbye.

Koji exited the forest just as the sun was setting.He had changed back to his true form shortly after leaving Moss and his pack.Rent was waiting for him."Hey Moon Dog!"he called."Hey there Rent"Koji answered back.They sent you to get me?"

"Yeah"Rent said."So was it hard?Anything happen?"
"Nothing too exciting.It was like a walk in the park."Koji informed him."And Rent?It's Koji.Not Moon Dog."
"Okay Koji"Rent said as they walked back to the city as the last of the sun was disappearing.

There you go chapter 3.I'll post chapter 4 where possible ^_^

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