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Monday, July 10, 2006

Koji's story
Hey everyone sorry it took so long.Unfortuantly this is the last chapter :( But don't worry I might put up a different story later.

Chapter 4-part 1:Acceptence

It had been a few weeks since Koji had joined the West Avenue Pack,but he still felt like an outsider.He was currently loitering on the fire escape of the building where he first met the pack.All the dogs in the pack called it "homebase".It was kinda like their headquarters.

"Hey Moon Dog!"someone barked on ground.Koji sighed.That nickname had spread through the
whole pack so he just accepted it."What Rent?"he called back.

"We're gonna go see Phil!Come on!"Rent said and began to walk out to the street.

"Phil?Who the hell is Phil?"Koji said to himself but half-heartingly got up and followed Rent to the street.There,waiting for him,was not just Rent but three other dogs as well.He knew the three as Folds-a brown sharpei,Ratter-a scruffy looking chihuahua,and Big Boi-a saint bernard.

"Ok will someone please tell me who this 'Phil' is?"Koji asked as they were walking.Folds was the one who spoke up."His real name is The Unaofficial Philosipher but everyone just calls him 'Phil'"
"He always has the best info"Big Boi added."Yeah yeah,we get info fo' Boss every week"Ratter finished.

Koji snorted.Blitzer or 'Boss' as he was called by the other dogs,was the last thing Koji wanted to think about."Hey Rent there's one thing I can't figure out"Koji directed his attention to the mutt.
"What is it Koji?"
"Why they call you Rent?"
Folds,Ratter,and Big Boi all started laughing but Rent looked embrrassed."What?"Koji said,puzzled.
"The reason his name is Rent is because humans rent him but never keep him"Folds said.Ratter jumped in the conversation."Yeah yeah,people always take 'im in and then a few days later he's back on the streets"
"Oh"Koji said,half regretting bringing up the subject.After walking a bit more they reached a old metal shed surrounded by tall weeds.Folds opened one of the sliding doors and barked their presence to Phil.The shed was full of sofa cushions and bean bag chairs and lava lamps that didn't work.From the mass of junk came a wirehaired griffon with a tye dye banana around his neck.

"What brings ya bo-?"Phil stopped mid-sentence and came straight up to Koji."Alot of Kohaku shows in you"he said starring into Koji's gold eyes.
"Uhhh thank-"Phil didn't let Koji finish."Please can you tell me the wolf's name?"
"What?"Koji didn't understand what he was asking.
"The wolf's name.I know the dog's name but not the wolf's"the griffon repeated.Koji understood now"Ohh Rook"Koji told him.Phil was talking about his father.

"Hold up!"the other four dogs in the shed said together.
"Yer mom was Kohaku the irish setter?!"Ratter said.
"You mean the ledgendary Kohaku?!"Rent added.
"The one who's beauty was goddess like?!"Folds exclaimed.
"The one that ran off with a moon wolf?!"Big Boi commented.
"That'd be the one"
All four looked at each other,eyes wide,and started laughing hard at the thing they had just learned.

After the four dogs had collected themselves and got the information they needed from Phil,they still were speechless."I've been hanging with the son of Kohaku"Rent said sounding shell shocked.Koji and Phil just laughed.
"How are those two?"Phil asked.Koji looked past him."Not well at all.They're both dead"Koji said bluntly.Phil just sigh and shook his head.Koji began to walk out and catch up with his friends,who had already left the shed,when Phil stopped him..
"Koji one last question"Phil said."Are you the only one?"
"No,there are three others"Koji replied and walked away.

There finished!I will post part 2 tomorrow.Pm me if you have any questions.

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