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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Koji's story
Chapter 4-part 2:Acceptence

Koji wasn't in a fighting mood when Blitzer approached him.He was content relaxing on the rich green park grass.Koji closed his eyes and pretended to be sleeping.Blitzer nudged Koji hard and said"Get up.There's a job I need you to do"
Koji sighed and opened one eye"Not in the mood.Get someone else to do it"
"Too bad.Get up!"Blitzer bit down on Koji's scuff and threw him.Koji yelped and rolled a couple times on the soft grass.He stood up and shook himself"Alright!I'm up,Dammit!"

The two had walked for what seemed like forever.Koji souldn't take the silence anymore."So what's the job?"he asked.
"You'll know when we get there"Blitzer replied.
"Oh well that narrows it down"Koji said bitterly.
Blitzer stopped and spun around"Alright Moon Dog,you wanna know what it is?!It's another test cuz frankly I don't believe your really loyal to this pack!"
"I thought the first test was too easy"Koji muttered.
"You shouldn't have gotten through there!"Blitzer roared.
"Oh really?Well sorry."Koji said grinning.Blitzer snorted and turned back around."Just move.We're already late"

Koji and Blitzer stopped at an alley between two brick buildings.He could see that the whole pack was here.And a white persian cat was sitting on a windowsill of the left building,her fluffy tail swinging back and forth."We're here"Blitzer said.
"This is it?"Koji said a bit puzzled.Blitzer didn't answer him but motioned for Koji to follow him.They moved through the crowd of dogs and stopped at a wooden fence.
The white cat jumped from her perch and sat down infront of Koji and Blitzer.She looked at Koji."You the corpse-in-question?"
"The what?!"Koji said.
"Nothing"Blitzer barked."This is Ms.Deavious.She'll fill you in on your test"Then he backed away into the crowd.
"Okay listen up"Ms.Deavious said,sounding more agressive."Behind this fence is something I can't explain.All we know is its name is Mammoth.And all you have to do is defeat it"
"Wait I have to defeat it?"
"Yep,but Mammoth will fight to the death."
"So I have to kill it too?"
Koji thought about this for a second then turned and began to walk away.Rent appeared beside him."Your're not gonna do it?"
When Koji reached the edge of the alley he stopped suddenly.He spun around and ran full speed at the fence.Ms.Deavious meowed and jumped out of the way.Koji leaped into the air and cleared the fence,landing easily on the another side.
All the dogs gasped.Ms.Deavious jumped back to her windowsill."Dumb dog"

On the other side of the fence it was alot darker.Koji scanned the area but didn't see anything weird.There was a large doghouse and a bucket of water.There was a cloud of dust around the doghouse.
"Hello?Mammoth?"Koji called out.He was begining to think he had been punk'd.But he heard a sound like a growl from the doghouse.What looked like a massive,mutated bulldog rose from the doghouse.It's breathind was raspy and his two lower canines stuck out.
"You must be Mammoth"Koji said."I'm here to kill you"

This chapter was actually supposed to be the last but it didn't work out that way.i will post part 3 tomorrow(and it will be the last I promise)

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