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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Koji's story
Chapter 4-part 3:Acceptence

Both Mammoth and Koji didn't move.Koji looked for a good place to strike.Instead he saw a huge iron chain nailed to the ground by a stake.He followed it from the ground to the mutant's neck.An idea popped into Koji's head.He backed up until he hit the fence.
"Come and get me you hideous freak!"Koji taunted.Mammoth snarled at the comment.He barreled towards Koji.Koji steadied himself,waiting for just the right moment.Finally,when Mammoth was inches from him,Koji threw himself out of the way.Mammoth tried to stop himself but barreled into the wooden fence.Koji heard the chain snap and the fence give way.All the dogs scattered except Blitzer who just stood there.
"Shit!"Koji said.He saw Mammoth's chain speeding by him.He bit down on the chain and pulled.Koji was playing tug-of-war with Mammoth,who was inches from Blitzer's throat.
Suddenly,Mammoth turned and charged at Koji.Blitzer ran to the edge of the alley to watch,Ms.Deavious now on his back.Koji released the chain and leaped over Mammoth.Mammoth skidded to a stop and blindly looked left and right for Koji.While Mammoth was preoccupied Koji leaped onto his back and sunk his teeth into him.Mammoth howled in pain.He shook himself violently.Koji bit harder,trying to hold on.Despreatly,Mammoth rolled over.Koji heard something crunch and had to let go.
Mammoth rose and stood over Koji,a crazed look in his eye.With lightning fast speed,Koji rolled over and shot at Mammoth's throat.Mammoth roared.He clamp down on Koji's back leg and tried to pull him off.Koji fought the pain and sunk his fangs in deeper.This only made Mammoth pull harder.In a last attempt,Mammoth pulled with all his strengh.Koji felt himself and Mammoth's throat being janked away.Mammoth let out a blood curdling scream and collasped.He died before he hit the ground,a pool of blood forming around him fast.
All the dogs gasped.Koji stood there panting,his left back leg bleeding heavily.The whole pack rushed to him.He walked past them all,including Blitzer.
"How's that for loyalty Boss?"Koji said and limped off with Rent beside him.
*The End*

Sorry I didn't post this yesterday,I was busy.But Koji's story is finished and over all I'm pleased with it ^_^ Hopefully you guys are too.

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