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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Friday, August 4, 2006

Omg today was so fun!At first I thought I was gonna be home all day doing nothing with my bro and my friend Paloma.But then Teyve,a K.O.D. member, came over and then we all rode our bikes 2 his house 2 give something Halen,another member.Then we all went over 2 Subway 2 hang out there.Jay,a K.O.D. member,also met up with us there later.Then Pedro a cool Subway employee came and then Halen asked this guy named Mike,who lives down the street from us,if he would go buy him dry ice.Mike did and we started making dry ice bombs.I first one wasn't that cool and then Tevye slid the other one 2 where the cars come in.And then..... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!It made this fucking loud ass explosion!It sounds like a shotgun firing!We all ran in Subway and were laughing our asses off.This guy in the Tabacco store next door even came out with his gun.Then we thought we'd better leave.We came back 2 my house and used the rest of the ice 2 make a third one but it didn't explode.Then my dad came home and my bro and the rest of them went to the YMCA 2 skate.And that's it.Oh and 2morrow K.O.D. is going skating at I don't know how many skateparks but it's defienity gonna be awesome!Hope ur guys day was just as fun!L8ers!
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