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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Sunday, August 20, 2006

*advance rant warning*

It's so boring here in Phoenix!My weekend was a complete waste cuz I didn't do much more than go on the internet,read,and lay around.I actually could have done alot of things but 4 some reason I was 2 lazy 2 and plus it's like a fucking oven outside!I would have gone 2 Luny's(aka 'myharu' on this website)but she was sick.U better get better sis we have skool 2morrow!And I'm totally pissed that I missed both Samurai 7 and Eureka 7.But I did see Naruto and Zatch Bell!Everytime I see Gaara I just want 2 give him a hug cuz he is so unemotional lol!And he totally rulez at ass kicking!
But I did do my homework so I don't get bitched at 2morrow!I hate my advanced Lang.Arts sensei!She's making us do this stupid Happy times/Sad times thing and I have no idea what 2 write about!I'll probably write about the ending of Wolf's Rain cuz that was really sad.But if we were doing a fictional story assignment I would totally kick ass at that!But whatever.Hope ur guys' weekend wasn't as sucky as mine!^_^

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