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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Sunday, August 27, 2006

My weekend was awesome this week!On Friday my mom quit her crappy job so we were all happy about that.Then on Saturday me,my mom,my brother L.A. and our friend Jeremy met up with our family friend Joni and her kids Jessie(one of the Darkside),Antony,and Andrew.It was Andrew's birthday so we went 2 Rio Vista skatepark,Union Hills skatepark,and Paradise Valley skatepark.Yeah we're all a bunch of skaters!Then I got to go to Jessie's house to sleep over.We went to a restrant called Makutu's Island which is the biggest indoor playground ever!It was just like a real jungle or forest and I felt so wolfish crawling through all the tunnels and branches!We stayed there until closing and then went 2 Wal-Mart.Joni's boyfriend Bob found a large green ball and was kicking it around.Then he got baby powder and was spaying it at evryone and this bitchy old lady was bitching at him but he told her 2 shut up.So we left Wal-Mart and went 2 Tempe skatepark 4 a litte while then went 2 QuickTrip(a gas station)We got drinks and food and then went home.We were all just laying around in Joni's room and messing around on Myspace.com.Then we all went 2 sleep.This morning(Sunday)we went 2 go help Jessie's Gandma move.Me,Antony,and Jessie got 2 ride in the back of the U-haul truck and were getting thrown around!It was so much fun though!Then my mom came 2 pick me up and I said goddbye.And then I came home and wrote this!Well hope everyone's weekend was awesome 2 ^_^
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