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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Monday, September 4, 2006

Info howl
Well it's Labor Day so no skool,no work so I guess i'll tell u guys what my weekend was like.
On friday night I went with Holly and Danielle(sis couldn't come!) 2 the first football of the season for my high skool.It was the Alhambra Lions(us) vs. Casa Grande Cougars(them) and they totally kicked our ass!But there was a fight in the crowd during the game which was cool!My skool has a bad rep for fighting.We have like a whole police force at my skool after skool.
Then on saturday my mom,me, and my bro went 2 the YMCA downtown.I swear that building had to have been a mental hospital or jail or something freaky like that!The whole time I was there I felt like I was being watched and it just vhad this creepy feeling 2 it.It's an old building 2.But the pool and raquetball courys were fun!
And on sunday my bro had 2 go 2 the dentist cuz he was whining about a tooth.Which delayed my plans of going to the movies.But when they did come home me and my mom went 2 go see Snakes on a Plane.It was a really good movie!Don't listen to what the reviews say!It kepts u jumping through the entire movie lol!Then later on in the day my friend Walter came over with one of his new puppys!She was so cute!Her name is Pata which means duckie and her bro's name is Oso which means bear.They are a Rottwieler/Chow Chow mix.He is bringing Oso today.So we hung out until dark.
Well now I'm gonna go outside so have fun 2day peoples!

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