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myOtaku.com: demonheart

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Skating again
Yeah its the first day of Fall Break and I go 2 the skatepark.And we are going there again on Friday.I spent like half my life there lol.
but ne ways we went 2 Tempe skatepark so it was a 3 hour bus ride there and back.It was really fun and Jay and Tevye took ice cold water and poured it on me and Jessie.So I hit them with a branch from a tree.Jeremy kept talking and everyone was constantly telling him to shut up.Lawrence was the only one in the skatepark while we were all sitting on the sidewalk in a circle goofing around.
Oh and a couple days ago my dog Tank hurt himself and totally stressed me out.The crazy creature ran into the edge of a steel beam in the backyard.And then later that day he starts running around the beams again and almost runs into one.So I have to grab him and wait for him to calm down.But becuz he is part Sharpei it only opened his loose skin so the gash wasn't gushing blood or anything.Everyone was mostly concerned about him getting sick or the cut getting infected.A dog next door died of Parvo, a deadly and very contagious dog disease, and so the neighbors are trying 2 make sure no one else gets it.So we were mostly trying to kept the wound clean and not reopening.

So how are u all doing?

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