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Sakura Kururugi but you can call me Sakura-chan if ya want!^-^
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to be the best alchemist ever!!! hehehe...
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alchemy...DDR...writing...drawing...annoying people i hate...trying to be a kewl otaku member...can write with both of my hands..
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz!! whats up? nothing much here.
well i was just talking to my friend on the phone and it was so funny..we were talking about the stupidest stuff and we were laughing the whole time..i mean we were talking about totally pointless^^
but the rest of the day was pretty boring..i got a card from my grandma for my i got 20 more dollars which was kewl..^^
so how is everyone today?
ooh yeah i dont know if im gonna be able to get to sites not sure if im even gonna be on the comp but i'll try to get to all of your sites oki? and im rly sry if i dont!
well heres a question!
Random Question:Whats your favorite video game? i like a lot..i cant^^
well talk to ya all later!
ja ne!
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz!! whats up? nothing much here.
well my birthday was fun..i basically just got money and everyone just let me buy whatever i wanted..i was happy with that^^
well i didnt buy that much..i bought the FLCL soundtrack and L'Arc~en~Ciel "Smile" and i must say both of those CD's rawk!!!^-^ and then i bought Spiral volume 5..i still have a lot of money left..oh my mom also got me $100 gift card to Best Buy and my friend got me Furuba #11..i cant believe #12 doesnt come out until December!! that is way too long of a wait! lol.
oh and im sry that i havent updated or gotten to that many pretty sure that i can get to everyones sites today.^^
so how is everybody?
Random Question:Do you use a laptop or a desktop? the one im using is a laptop.^^
well thats all for today!!
ja ne!
[Sakura-chan was here!]
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz! whats up? nothing much here.
im rly sry that i havent updated in a few days..i havent been on the comp that much for a sry..^^;
im also sry that i havent gotten to any sites..i'll get to everyones sites today ok?
well today is my birthday..still dont know what im gonna do..i dont rly feel like doing anything but im sure we'll have to do a ton of i got to open a couple of my presents was $50 and the other was a portable DVD player..i was like awesome! when i got^^
oh and not that i expect this or anything but i suggest that you dont send me a card cuz my comp isnt working so i wont be able to put it up.
today was rly only interesting thing is that my friend and i have been text messaging on our cell phones for a long time..its^^
so how is everyone?
Random Question:Who is your favorite anime couple? it can be yaoi if your into that stuff. mine would probably be YukiXTohru from Fruits Basket or SasukeXSakura from Naruto.
well thats all for today!
ja ne!
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz!! whats up? nothing much here.
well today was boring as still freezing..but i dont know how to work the ac thingy so i cant do anything about it..this suxx! lol.
today the weather was rly nice. it wasnt hot out for once..but it looked like it was gonna rain but it didnt so i guess thats^^
i have a headache right now..*sighs* this is annoying..*yawn*
sry that im complaining so much..^^;
well i should ask how all of you are so how are you?^^
oh im not sure if i'll be on that much today..i'll try to get on and visit sites but if i dont im rly rly sry!!
hmm well heres a question..
Random Question:Whats your favorite manga? right now mine is probably Fruits Basket.
well thats all for today!
ja ne!
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz!! whats up? nothing much here.
wellz my ankle feels glad cuz it was getting rly annoying lol.^^
but now im freezing!! the air is on and its extremely cold in here right now..i need to go^^
ooh i just remembered is lordsesshomaru's 2 year myO anniversary!! so Happy Anniversary!!^^ lol.
ooh i have nothing to talk about just to make this post a little are my statistics...
Total Visits:620
Popularity Ranking:#1397
Guestbook Signings:162
Random Question:Who is your least favorite anime character..i cant think of one right now.
well talk to you all later!
ja ne!
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
hey pplz!
 hey pplz! whats up? not much here.
well first of all im sry for not updating yesterday..and not getting to that many sites..i'll get to everyones sites today ok? ^^
today was a boring day as usual..i hurt my ankle so that sucked..i dont even know how it just started hurting..its rly annoying.
oh i talked to my friend WitchHunterfan on the phone was fun..we talked for a long an hour or i talk to all my friends for that long.^^
*yawn* im rly tired right now..which is wierd cuz usually im wide awake and hyper but right now i just wanna go to sleep.^^
so how are all of you ppl??
Random Question:Whats your favorite sport?
Randome Quote:"Dont question something you could never understand." (again i dont know who said
well talk to everyone later!
ja ne!
Comments (15) |
Sunday, July 31, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz!! whats up? nothing much here.
well my friend got baq from California on Friday. she said she had a good trip..they brought baq some stuff and i got a necklace and a charm bracelet..hehe..kool.^-^ lol.
i dont have to watch the keychain breaking dog anymore!! yeah! woOt! lol.^-^
today it looked like it was gonna rain for a was all cloudy and gloomy outside. its been raining on and off for a week or something now. apparently its the monsoon season or
im sry that i didnt update yesterday. i'll get to everyones sites today. i got to a couple ppl yesterday but yeah. lol.^^
i felt sick earlier today but i think im better now. it was just a stomach ache or something. lol.
oh yeah today i deleted some ppl from my friends list. i had to many on there that i never talk to. but i kept you on it if you visit me or if we talk in PM's.^^
oh and today i got 600 hits! thankiez so much you guys!! you rock!! lol.^-^
well how was all of your days?
Random Question:Whats your least favorite anime? i cant think of mine right
well talk to all of you later!
ja ne!
Comments (13) |
Friday, July 29, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz!! whats up? nothing much here.
well today sucked. the dog im watching broke my keychain and it was my Roy one from FMA. i was so pissed!!! then he like, attacked me! well he jumped at me and tried to bite me. i slapped him rly hard. hehehe..revenge. lol. well at least i only have to watch him one more day! yay! lol.
today i changed the font on my site. i know that it doesnt look much different but i was bored and just thought to change it randomly. so do you guyz like this font?
then it rained today for like ten minutes and it was one of the shortest thunderstorms ever. lol.
so what are you pplz up to?
tomorrow when i get paid im going to the mall and buying another keychain!
well heres a question!
Random Question:Whats your favorite song and what band/singer sings it? sry couldnt think of anything else.
well talk to you all later!
ja ne!
Comments (13) |
Thursday, July 28, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz! watz up? nothin much here.
well my allergies are a little better. i got some rest like you guyz said.^^
i had to watch the dog today. it was okay. he basically just slept all day and didnt bother me so that was good. he's sleeping right now. lol.
right now i'm listening to the jukebox. i've been listening to it for a long time, lol.^^ do you guyz listen to it?
i was talking to one of my friends in California earlier. she said she wants to be baq in Vegas cuz shes bored there and stuff. when i was talking to her her brothers were acting like complete morons. they were shouting stuff into the phone like, "Hi!!!" and were arguing about the stupidest stuff. lol.
so how are all of you ppl?
Random Question:Whats your favorite animal? It can be fictional or non fictional..or both!^^ my fav fictional one is a dragon and non fictional is a wolf.
talk to you all later!
ja ne!
Comments (15) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
hey pplz!!
 hey pplz!! watz up? not much here.
well how was ur guyz day? mine waz boring and now i have allergies 2 sumthing and itz rly annoying cuz i keep sneezing and stuff. and thatz rly gonna suck cuz i have to watch a dog for three days..thats probably what im allergic to! *sighs* typical.
oh and im still gonna take over the world but im not talking about it in posts anymore cuz my plans are secret.^^ only sum ppl can know what the plans are.^^
im so tired right now..i feel like i could just pass out..and i have a headache..probably cuz i've been staring at the computer screen for such a long and im cold..this isnt fair!!! i guess i'll just go outside to warm up again. lol.
well i guess i should stop complaining about stuff and let u guys whats happening with your life?
well heres a question.
Random Question:Have you ever been to any country other than the one ur in right now?
well thatz all for today!
ja ne!
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